Lilith Plain
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Gender Female Female
Age Young Adult
Life state Sim
Dirk's apparent fear of commitment act is wearing thin with Lilith. She is getting close to the point of laying down an ultimatum. She is easy to spot in town with her blazing red hair and fair skin. She is gregarious and loves to party, much the opposite of the often reserved Dirk.
Education and employment
Career Unemployed
Family/Families Plain family
Marital status Single
Romances Dirk Harrison Lover
Household The Loon's Nest household
Roommates Friendly Friar, Phillip Friar, Dirk Harrison Lover
Pets Fancy Friar
Traits link Cat Person
Dislikes Children
Couch Potato
Lifetime wish Become a Superstar Athlete
Favorites Indie
Hair color Red
Eye color Brown
Skin color Pale
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 3 Pets (console)
Playability Unplayable
Neighborhood Sugar Maple Coast

Lilith Plain is one of the unplayable Sims in The Sims 3: Pets for console. She lives in The Loon's Nest household and has a relationship with one of her roommates, Dirk. She does not play a major role in the game but can be made playable through marriage or the 'Move In' interaction. When moved into household, with free will left on, she will often patronize the paperboy/girl. She shares her first name with Lilith Pleasant of Pleasantview in The Sims 2. Additionally, both are dating people named Dirk.

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