Rick Contrary

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The Sims 2: FreeTime

Rick Contrary
Gender Male Male
Age Teen
Life state Sim
How could Rick's parents ever understand what he's going through? They've never had to deal with the stresses of being a teenager! The only person that seems to "get" him is his best friend, Violet.
Education and employment
School Public School
Grade B
Family/Families Contrary family
Parents Edward Contrary, Opal Contrary
Marital status Single
Zodiac sign Capricorn
Aspiration Fortune
Lifetime want Become World Class Ballet Dancer
Turn-ons Custom Hair
Turn-off Glasses
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Skin color Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2: FreeTime
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Desiderata Valley

Rick Contrary is a pre-made teen Sim who lives in Desiderata Valley, the neighborhood shipped with The Sims 2: FreeTime, with his family. His hobby is Games. He is the only child of Edward and Opal Contrary, yet at the beginning of the game they have a not so great relationship, due to the fact that his parents don't "get" him. He has a close friendship with Violet Jocque.

Rick's troublesome nature is shown under his personality points, although he does start off with a B report card. His fitness level indicates that he is supposed to be overweight, though the correct body shape flag has not been reset. When the game starts, the player can direct him to do a fitness activity before the game has a chance to reset his body flag and make him fat. When the family is first played, Rick is 12 days from being an adult. Rick's predestined hobby is Sports, like his mother, though; he has hobby enthusiasm in Games.

When viewing his character data in SimPE, it can be seen that he doesn't have a gender preference at the start of the game. This is also the case for Daniel Bell, Pauline Aspir, and Natasha Una. Rick's SimDNA shows that his dominant genetics are for black hair and brown eyes, while his recessive genetics are for brown hair and light blue eyes. Even though his father is homozygous for medium skin, Rick himself is homozygous for tanned skin.

Simology[edit | edit source]

Sloppy 6 Neat
Shy 5 Outgoing
Lazy 8 Active
Serious 3 Playful
Grouchy 3 Nice
Sign / personality mismatch
A Sim with this personality would normally be a Scorpio.

Image Interest Level
Environment 0
Food 0
Weather 3
Culture 9
Money 9
Politics 6
Paranormal 6
Health 6
Fashion 0
Travel 0
Crime 3
Sports 10
Entertainment 3
Animals 9
Work 3
School 9
Toys 0
Sci-Fi 6

Image Hobby Level
Games 3

Image Memory Type
Met Chase Positive
Met Sophia Positive
Met Marcel Positive
Chase Died Negative
Grew Up Well Positive
Learned to Walk from Opal Positive
Learned to Talk from Opal Positive
Met John Positive
Grew Up Badly Negative
Met Violet Positive
Got an A+ Report Card Positive
Made Best Friends with Violet Positive
Grew Up Badly Negative
Made Enemies with Edward Negative
Made Enemies with Opal Negative
Made a Best Friend Forever Positive

The Contrary family
Edward - Opal - Rick - Darren - Tessica - Talbot - Emma

fr:Richard Kontretoux ru:Рик Противз pt-br:Ricardo Calisto