The user's favorite music is pop.
The user's favorite color is green.
The user's favorite color is irish green.
The user's favorite color is lime.

This user is a fan of Sunset Valley.

This user is a fan of Riverview.

This user is a fan of Al Simhara.

This user is a fan of Champs Les Sims.

This user is a fan of Shang Simla.

This user is a fan of the PlumbBob!
This user is a fan of cats.
This user prefers living a life of luxury.
The Sims 2 Castaway
This user is male.
This user is a teen.
This user lets Sims eat Pancakes.
SHIFT + CTRL + C This user cheats.
This user uses kaching and motherlode.
This user doesn't like it when other people are rude.
This user doesn't like work.
This user doesn't like coffee.
This user likes to eat sweets.
This user has good memories of family members, vacations, etc.
This user likes watching movies.
This user has/had good grades while in school.

The user has the Knowledge aspiration.