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The Sims The Sims 2 The Sims 3 The Sims 2 (console)

A Criminal career track has been one of the basic career tracks for The Sims, The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 as well as most console games.

The Sims

The Life of Crime career track is one of the ten basic career tracks for The Sims. This job may be available in computers or the newspapers.

Life of Crime Career Levels
1) Pickpocket
Entry-level two-bit thief--but you are your own boss. Dexterity and physical speed are obviously important. A certain amount of charisma is helpful, too, if you are going to charm those marks before you dip into their coats.   0   0   0
  0   0   0
09:00 - 15:00
2) Bagman
You're a foot soldier for a small-time mobster--making pickups and deliveries of dirty cash and "sensitive merchandise." You'll need to be quick on your feet to avoid the heat and rival punks. Work on your body skill will definitely pay off.   0   0   0
  0   0   0
23:00 - 07:00
3) Bookie
Make book on the dog track, horse races, and stadium games--where, one way or another, "the house" always wins. And this time "the house" is you. You never know when something may go wrong that requires some fast talking so keep those charisma and creativity skills sharp.   0   0   0
  2   0   0
12:00 - 19:00
4) Con Artist
Run schemes, scams, and swindles--anything to separate a naïve Sim from hard-earned cash. Profits increase, but this job needs inspired thinking and the power to persuade others.   0   0   1
  2   0   1
09:00 - 15:00
5) Getaway Driver
From two-bit crook to three-bit crook. To succeed as a driver you'll need some strong physical skills, and a mechanic's knowledge. But you want to get in on the main action, right? Work on your skills to show the boss how indispensable you are.   0   2   2
  2   0   1
17:00 - 01:00
6) Bank Robber
Instead of just driving the money away, now you're inside the Sim City First National Bank when it goes down--which cuts you in for a bigger slice. But you'd like to try your hand at some sneakier, more challenging crimes. Better brains, brawn and buddies will move you up.   0   3   3
  3   1   1
15:00 - 23:00
7) Cat Burglar
Higher scores, but more risk involved. Suddenly you're on the night shift. You cannot afford to let physical energy flag, or you'll botch a job. Mechanical skills are handy to keep your tools in good order and some creative problem solving will help you stay out of the slammer. Your friends are coming in very handy--more can only help.   1   3   3
  5   2   2
21:00 - 03:00
8) Counterfeiter
You're getting more sophisticated. Why steal money when you and your gang can print your own? You're getting quite a reputation and people are seeking your advice. Better practice your charisma and creativity in case you need to go international.   1   5   3
  5   3   4
09:00 - 15:00
9) Smuggler
Your business card says you're in the "Import/Export" business. Let's just say you supply everything people want that the law says they cannot have. You're bringing in and sending out goods by land, sea, and air, and earning the large profits all that implies. Your skills need to be fully honed to reach the apex of this illustrious career.   1   5   6
  6   3   5
09:00 - 15:00
10) Criminal Mastermind
Most men fear you. You run your own mob of thieves and hijackers, and can buy any house on the block. Your front is a respectable Sim City business, and you feel almost above the law.   2   5   7
  6   4   8
18:00 - 00:00

If the player has Livin' Large, The Sims Deluxe Edition, or The Sims Complete Collection, a Criminal Mastermind will eventually change careers and become a Security Consultant in the Hacker career track.

The Sims 2

The career reward object is the SensoTwitch Lie Finder. It is awarded at level 4 (Con Artist), and it improves the creativity skill. If The Sims 2: Apartment Life is installed, Gearheads are likely to work in this career. Sims with this career get a little more than their basic salary each day, probably because (as the name implies) the career involves stealing money and objects.

Adult Promotion Levels

  Criminal Career Levels
1) Pickpocket
Entry-level two-bit thief—but you are your own boss. Dexterity and physical speed are obviously important. A certain amount of creativity is helpful, too, if you are going to distract those marks while you dip into their pockets. S M T W T F S   0
11:00 - 17:00
§196/day   0
No bonus
2) Bagman
You're a foot soldier for a small-time mobster - making pickups and deliveries of dirty cash and "sensitive merchandise." You'll need to be quick on your feet to avoid the heat and rival punks. Work on your body skill will definitely pay off. S M T W T F S   0
17:00 - 01:00
§280/day   0
Bonus: §560
3) Bookie
Make a book on the dog track, horse races, and stadium games - where, one way or another, "the house" always wins. And this time "the house" is you. You never know when something may go wrong that requires some fast talking, so keep those creativity skills sharp. S M T W T F S   1
11:00 - 18:00
§385/day   0
Bonus: §770
4) Con Artist
Run schemes, scams, and swindles - anything to separate a naive Sim from hard-earned cash. Profits increase, but this job needs inspired thinking and power to persuade others. S M T W T F S   3
09:00 - 15:00
§490/day   1
Bonus: §980
5) Getaway Driver
From two-bit crook to three-bit crook. To succeed as a driver, you'll need some strong physical skills and a mechanic's knowledge. But you want to get in on the main action, right? Work on your skills to show the boss how indispensable you are. S M T W T F S   4
22:00 - 06:00
§595/day   2
Bonus: §1,190
6) Bank Robber
Instead of just driving the money away, now you're inside the SimCity First National Bank when it goes down - which cuts you in for a bigger slice. But you'd like to try your hand at some sneakier, more challenging crimes. Better brains, brawn and buddies will move you up. S M T W T F S   5
15:00 - 23:00
§742/day   3
Bonus: §1,484
7) Cat Burglar
Higher scores, but more risk involved. Suddenly you're on the night shift. You cannot afford to let physical energy flag, or you'll botch a job. Mechanical skills are handy to keep your tools in good order and some creative problem solving will help you stay out of the slammer. Your friends are coming in very handy—more can only help. S M T W T F S   7
21:00 - 03:00
§896/day   3
Bonus: §1,792
8) Counterfeiter
You're getting more sophisticated. Why steal money when you and your gang can print your own? You're getting quite a reputation and people are seeking your advice. Better keep fit, you might need to do some overseas travelling soon. S M T W T F S   7
09:00 - 15:00
§1,064/day   4
Bonus: §2,128
9) Smuggler
Your business card says you're in the "Import/Export" business. Let's just say you supply everything people want that the law says they cannot have. You're bringing in and sending out goods by land, sea, and air, and earning the large profits all that implies. Your skills need to be fully honed to reach the apex of this illustrious career. S M T W T F S   9
02:00 - 08:00
§1,575/day   5
Bonus: §3,150
10) Criminal Mastermind
In your endless pursuit to take over the world, you've learned three things: one, always dress the part, two, crime really does pay, and three, never stop to reveal your nefarious plans before you actually carry them out. S M T W T F S   10
17:00 - 23:00
§1,925/day   7
Bonus: §3,850

Teen/Elder Promotion Levels

  Criminal Career Levels
1) Street Hawker
The important thing to remember when hawking other aspiring criminals' hot goods is to stay under the radar. A good street hawker keeps a low profile and only flashes the goods to customers away from the ever-watchful eyes of the fuzz. Keep the profits high and the merchandise intact, and try to get in good with one of the local bosses higher up in the food chain. S M T W T F S   0
15:00 - 18:00
§50/day   0
No bonus
2) Numbers Runner
Now you're in with a local "family" and they've trusted you with the day to day activities of a small part of the business. You toil in the seedy underbelly of the SimCity racetrack, crunching numbers and helping to set odds for the day's races. It's not glamorous, but it pays the bills. S M T W T F S   1
15:00 - 18:00
§62/day   1
Bonus: §124
3) Pickpocket
Entry-level two-bit thief—but you are your own boss. Dexterity and physical speed are obviously important. A certain amount of creativity is helpful, too, if you are going to distract those marks while you dip into their pockets. S M T W T F S   2
15:00 - 18:00
§105/day   1
Bonus: §210

The Sims 3

Criminal is one of the basic career tracks in The Sims 3. Sims can be employed from newspaper, computer, or abandoned warehouse. Sims work at a syndicate named "The Organization," as stated in the descriptions. It has two branches; which are Thief and Evil. Evil branch requires the Sims to build good relationship with their boss, while Thief branch requires Sims to build relationship with their accomplices, and they can sneak their neighbors and rob their house.

Occasionally, Sims will go home and bring back a "borrowed" item from work. Sims who reach the top of Thief branch will get The Fox statue which will give "I am the Greatest" moodlet, while the top of Evil branch will give a red aura. Good, Friendly, and Family-Oriented Sims will boo, Cowards, Losers, Neurotic, and Over-Emotional Sims will run away, while Evil, Mean Spirited, and Insane Sims and other Sims who work in Criminal career will get a boost relationship with the Sim.

Performance tones:

  • Business as Usual
  • Work Hard - Increases performance faster but adds stress
  • Take It Easy - Increases fun but lowers performance
  • Meet Accomplices - Meets new coworkers
  • Conspire with Accomplices - Builds relationship with coworkers
  • Grovel to Leader - Builds relationship with the boss
  • Practice Illicit Activities - Increases Athletic skill
  • Sleep in Hideout - Increases energy need
  • Do a Side Job - Earns extra cash

Additionally, there's a slight chance that the Sim will be arrested while at work. Being arrested will cause Sims to miss work and lose their work performance. While in jail, Sims can do the following things:

  • Doing time
  • Work Out - Increases Athletic skill
  • Hang with Inmates - Builds relationship with coworkers
  • Play with Dominoes - Increases fun need

Promotion Levels

  Criminal Career Levels
1) Decoy
Can you keep a secret? The local crime syndicate is looking for a few good people to join the ranks. Specifically, somebody is needed who is in good physical condition, can get along with the rest of the gang, and has no problem doing things that some might label as "criminal." There's room at the top for world class thieves and the truly diabolical! §17/hour No Bonus
S M T W T F S Pension: §30
10:00 - 16:00
13:00 - 18:30
Performance Factors
Athletic 0-3
2) Cutpurse
The score gets a little bigger for the Cutpurse, but so do the risks. You'll need to start working out to improve your chances of getting away if seen at the scene. After all, it's never quite as easy as taking candy from a baby. §24/hour No Bonus
S M T W T F S Pension: §40
10:00 - 16:00
13:00 - 18:30
Performance Factors
Athletic 1-4
3) Thug
Every crime organization needs some muscle to lay down the rules and protect The Organization's... investments. The best Thugs are intimidating and muscular – the strong arm of The Organization. Don't let nobody stand in your way. §32/hour No Bonus
S M T W T F S Pension: §50
21:00 - 03:00
23:00 - 04:30
Performance Factors
Athletic 2-6
4) Getaway Driver
Innocent bystanders, spike strips, and rush-hour traffic are no trouble for you as a professional Getaway Driver. Keep your speeds high and your turns tight to keep the heat off your tail, and ensure members of The Organization get in, and get out, quick! §40/hour No Bonus
Pension: §60 S M T W T F S
21:00 - 03:00
23:00 - 04:30
Performance Factors
Mood Athletic 3-7
5) Bagman / Bagwoman
The Bagman (or Bagwoman) is an integral part of the heist, which means bigger payout and more risk. Your accomplices need to be able to trust you now that you're on the ground floor. Hold the bag tightly – never, ever, let go! §52/hour No Bonus
S M T W T F S Pension: §80
21:00 - 03:00
23:00 - 04:30
Performance Factors
Mood Athletic 4-8
6) Con Artist
Whether it's a sleight of hand, a "great investment opportunity", or falsified papers, the Con Artist has everything the customers need... or think they need. Few can truly turn crime into an artistic expression. You either got it, or you don't. §63/hour No Bonus
S M T W T F S Pension: §90
21:00 - 03:00
23:00 - 04:30
Performance Factors
Mood Athletic 5-9

After being promoted from Con Artist, Sims will be able to choose one of the two career paths, Evil or Thief branch.

Evil Branch

  Criminal Career Levels - Evil Branch
7) Henchman
Don't let the uniform fool you – being a Henchman is serious business. Get close to The Leader and learn all that he has to offer. Carry out the evil machinations of those above you, and never question anything. §109/hour No Bonus
S M T W T F S Pension: §160
21:00 - 03:00
00:00 - 05:30
Performance Factors
Mood Athletic 5-9
8) Evil Sidekick
Sidekickhood comes with many perks, most notably being one step closer to The Leader and working under a true mastermind – the Super Villain. Take note, wreak havoc as you see fit, and serve The Organization as best you can. §142/hour Bonus: §3,000
S M T W T F S Pension: §170
21:00 - 03:00
00:00 - 05:30
Performance Factors
Mood Athletic 6-10
Logic 0-4 Boss
9) Super Villain
Pure evil flows through your Super Villainous dark veins! Innocents fear the very mention of your name, be it in made-for-TV horror movies, or on the evening news. Nobody is closer to The Leader than you, nor is anybody as powerful... §240/hour Bonus: §3,792
S M T W T F S Pension: §230
21:00 - 02:00
00:00 - 05:00
Performance Factors
Mood Athletic 7-10
Logic 3-6 Boss
10) Emperor of Evil
Without peer, (Sim Name) is in charge. What needed to be done was done. Leaders fall and others step in to take their place, as is inevitable. Within The Organization you are known only as The Leader. Outside these walls... the Emperor of Evil. The Leader of the Free World may think justice will prevail, but that time has passed! A new age has dawned! §420/hour Bonus: §6,144
S M T W T F S Pension: §300
21:00 - 02:00
00:00 - 05:00
Performance Factors
Mood Athletic 8-10
Logic 5-10
Perk: Sim will glow evil red. Good, Friendly, and Family-Oriented Sims will be disgusted, Cowards, Losers, Neurotic, and Over-Emotional Sims will run away, and Evil, Mean Spirited, and Insane Sims as well as their coworkers will have a boosted relationship.

Thief Branch

  Criminal Career Levels - Thief Branch
7) Safecracker
Tick. Tock. Click! You must have the hands of a surgeon and the ears of a jackal to successfully manipulate the intricate mechanisms of a safe. And when all else fails, load it up with dynamite! Tick. Tock. Tick.... BOOM!
You now also have access to the Sneak interaction.
§96/hour Bonus: §1,560
S M T W T F S Pension: §120
21:00 - 02:00
01:00 - 06:00
Performance Factors
Mood Athletic 6-9
Perk: Sneak into houses
8) Bank Robber
The time for big pay-outs and leading the heist is upon you. Bank Robbers need to pick the bank, scope the joint, plan the timing, then get in and out before the coppers are on to the team. §122/hour Bonus: §2,448
S M T W T F S Pension: §120
21:00 - 02:00
01:00 - 06:00
Performance Factors
Mood Athletic 7-10
Perk: Random chance of stealing cheap decorative items while working
9) Cat Burglar
The take from dozens of bank robberies do not compare to a single Cat Burglar operation. You'll solo the biggest heists from now on. There shouldn't be any security system too impenetrable, lasers too numerous, or guard dogs too alert. Get in, get out, get rich. §225/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §180
21:00 - 01:00
00:00 - 04:00
Performance Factors
Mood Athletic 8-10
Perk: Random chance of stealing medium-priced decorative items while working
10) Master Thief
Without peer, (Sim Name) is in charge.

The Organization has profited greatly from your efforts. Every major crime fighting organization files you on their most wanted list, but you've left no trace behind. There is no job that cannot be done on this planet... or any other. The Master Thief leaves a permanent mark on The Organization that is followed by a long, long line of zeros.

§525/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §400
21:00 - 01:00
00:00 - 04:00
Performance Factors
Mood Athletic 9-10
Perk: Random chance of stealing expensive decoration items while working. Special golden fox statue which will give "I am the Greatest" moodlet


A Sim with red glow
  • There is a bug in Sunset Valley that makes Sims unable to enter the Outstanding Citizen Warehouse Corp. as police or even as a criminal to go to work. This can be fixed by deleting everything on the lot (including the building), and placing a new Outstanding Citizen Warehouse Corp. building on the lot.
  • The arrested Sim can get out of jail when his bladder is low. The Sim in question will walk out of the jail and wet himself. But he won't go back in[confirmation needed].
  • The arrested Sim can also get out of jail if someone calls him before he enters. The call will override the go to jail action and even if the Sim rejects the call, he won't go to jail.
  • There is a glitch on the level 3 Thug rank, in which a PC sim is required to go to work on Wednesday at 9pm on the 2nd week and thereafter even though they are not scheduled to work on that day. The PC sim will not get a notice to go to work until work has started. The player can also go down in performance and get demoted if they do not go to work on that day. In addition, the player will not go up in performance if they do go to work.
  • At times, if the NPC boss is not at work or comes late to work, the PC sim will not get an increase in performance until the NPC boss comes to work. The PC sims will be stuck on the "Going to Work" status until the NPC boss arrives. To make matter worse, the PC sim will not go up in performance and can still go down in performance if they leave work early. Certain events will not transpire nor rewards received until the NPC boss comes to work.
  • Another glitch is from level 4 Getaway Driver upwards when sim goes to work (starts at 9pm), increase of job performance does not start and the working status stays as "Going to Work" until 12 midnight. Leaving work and going back does not make any difference.

The Sims 2 (Console)

Level Name Description Days Off Hours Pay Promotional Bonus Skills Required Friends Required
1 Vandal §168 None None
2 Shoplifter §252 Charisma: 1 0
3 Burglar $350 Charisma: 2 0
4 Car Thief §448

Logic: 1 Charisma: 2

5 Mugger §560

Body: 1 Logic: 1 Charisma: 3

6 Body Guard §728

Logic: 1 Body: 2 Charisma: 4

7 Arsonist §924

Logic: 2 Body: 2 Charisma: 5

8 Extortionist §1400

Logic: 2 Body: 2 Charisma: 5

9 Hit Man §1665

Body: 3 Charisma: 6 Logic: 7

10 Mob Boss §2100

Body: 3 Charisma: 9 Logic: 9



The Sims (PC) Item/Career Guide by BestGuy9