Elle Alioto

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The Sims 2: FreeTime

Elle Alioto
Gender Female Female
Age Adult
Life state Sim
Family/Families Alioto family
Marital status Single
Zodiac sign Sagittarius
Aspiration Knowledge
Lifetime want Become Hand of Poseidon
Turn-ons Unemployed
Turn-off Full Face Makeup
Hair color Blonde
Eye color Light Blue
Skin color Medium
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2: FreeTime
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Hobbies

Elle Alioto is one of the pre-made NPC Sports Hobby instructors who comes from Hobbies, the secret sub-neighborhood introduced with The Sims 2: FreeTime. The other two sports hobby instructors are Kennedy Grove and Scot Kwa. She appears in every neighborhood once FreeTime has been installed. Elle can be made playable by befriending and asking her to move in, or by marrying her.

She has long blonde wavy hair, light blue eyes, and medium skin. Elle is a Knowledge Sim with the Sagittarius zodiac sign. As far as personality, she is very active and quite playful. But Elle is very sloppy, quite shy, and somewhat grouchy. She is mostly interested in Food, Fashion, Crime, and Work. Elle has the same facial structure as Caryl Zarubin from Veronaville.

Even though her default head-shot depicts her with long wavy hair, and wearing a brown and white sports outfit, when Elle is first spawned in-game, she will have medium-length hair in a ponytail, and a dark blue hat. Her outfit will also change to that of a blue sports coach uniform. However Elle will still retain the hairstyle in her default thumbnail, for most outfits besides everyday. Her pre-destined hobby is Arts and Crafts.

Simology[edit | edit source]

Image Skill Level
Body 10

Sloppy 2 Neat
Shy 3 Outgoing
Lazy 9 Active
Serious 7 Playful
Grouchy 4 Nice

Image Interest Level
Environment 7
Food 8
Weather 6
Culture 3
Money 3
Politics 0
Paranormal 2
Health 3
Fashion 8
Travel 5
Crime 8
Sports 7
Entertainment 1
Animals 4
Work 8
School 4
Toys 4
Sci-Fi 4

Gallery[edit | edit source]

ru:Элли Элиотто