Death flower

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The Sims 3 The Sims 4

Death flower

Closeup of a fully grown death flower.

The death flower is a special flower in The Sims 3, with a strange stigma resembling a skull and with lots of tendrilly scarlet petals and leaves. It returned in The Sims 4 as part of the October 1, 2014 patch.

The Sims 3[edit | edit source]

Use[edit | edit source]

The death flower cannot be directly used, cannot be sold for money, and cannot be duplicated using an Omni plant. However, it is incredibly valuable. The Grim Reaper has a particular fondness for these flowers, and this can be used to a Sim's advantage.

Should a Sim perish by any particular reason other than old age, the Grim Reaper will come and try to take the Sim's soul, but the Sim in question will offer him the flower, and the Grim Reaper will gladly take the flower and bring the Sim back to life with slightly raised Motives, to give the Sim the chance to quickly fix the motive that resulted in their undone demise (the Sim will have their fun need empty and get the "Stressed Out" moodlet immediately).

If a Sim with Unlucky dies of unnatural causes with the death flower in their inventory, the flower will not be used up, and the Grim Reaper will revive the Sim with a message saying how he's enjoying the Sim's misery.

Acquisition[edit | edit source]

It can be acquired by growing them from an Unknown Special Seed or a Death Flower Seed using the gardening skill.

  • Random sample of the flower may be picked from Pleasant Rest Graveyard.
  • Random chance to acquire a seed from fishing. May need to be an angler with level 5 skill.
  • Random chance to receive a seed during use of a time machine[TS3:A]
  • Random chance to acquire a seed when Sims rummage a trash can.
  • Random chance to acquire a seed when exploring the catacombs.
  • Random chance to acquire a seed when completing an opportunity.
  • With Dragon Valley, an Armored Black Dragon can also summon Death Flowers.
  • With Door of Life and Death premium content, Sims will be rewarded a death flower from winning against the Grim Reaper in a guitar duel.

The Unknown Special Seeds can be mass-acquired near the neighborhood cemetery like Pleasant Rest Graveyard in Sunset Valley, Ivy Hill Graveyard in Twinbrook, and Bridgeport Eternal Rest Cemetery. They reappear every few days. These seeds can grow plasma fruits[TS3:LN], money trees, flame fruits, life fruits or death flowers.

A death flower bush can be found and harvested in a tomb in the Pyramid of the Sky in Al Simhara, Egypt.[TS3:WA] This plant cannot be revived after harvesting. If the player has both Dragon Valley and The Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire venue, An Armored Black Dragon can summon death flowers as one of its powers.

The death flower can be planted with if a Sim has level 7 in gardening skill. After it reaches the harvest stage, it can be picked for a single death flower, killing the plant in the process. Sims with the Green Thumb trait can revive the plant (there is a 50% chance of success). The first time this is done, it is very likely to be revived (but it can fail, the same as any other dead plant), but on the second harvest it will always become barren. This means that a Sim with this trait can get an endless supply of them, by planting them, harvesting, reviving and re-harvesting. Therefore, it would be a wise move to have someone in a family to have this trait to mass-produce death flowers for everyone's use.

With the science skill at level 9 from University Life, it is possible to clone an infinite number of death flowers using the ZRX-9000 Science Research Station.

Opportunity[edit | edit source]

See also: Gardening (The Sims 3)#Opportunities

One opportunity directly related to a Death Flower exists.

Extreme Life Insurance
[Friend] fears a visit from the grim reaper may come all too soon and would like a little... insurance. Grow a Death Flower and deliver it to [Friend] before it's too late. You'll be paid handsomely

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Unlike other plants, this plant will always produce a perfect quality death flower despite The Death Seed or Unknown Special Seed quality.
  • Unlike most other plants, death flower bushes bought from the buydebug cheat is of perfect quality. This helps in completing the Botanical Boss challenge, should the player opt to do it that way.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

The Sims 4[edit | edit source]

In The Sims 4, the flower is an ingredient in making ambrosia,[TS4] which can resurrect ghosts. Even having just the seed can have a similar effect but seeing as most often they are unknown special seeds, Sims are better off growing the plant. The death flower also works for Sims who die of old age, and they will live another two days before dying again. Unlike The Sims 3, dead Sims cannot use the flower to revive themselves; instead, another Sim has to have the flower to give to the Grim Reaper when a Sim dies.

It is also possible to obtain the Death Flower by grafting (requires level 5 of Gardening Skill):

  • Graft Cherry to Apple to make Pomegranate.
  • Graft Lily to Snapdragon to make Orchid.
  • Graft Pomegranate to Orchid to make Death Flowers.
  • Harvest the plant.

It is also possible to obtain a death flower by using the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat.

Death flowers are sometimes available to be purchased from the alchemy supplies stall in The Magic Realm for §1,200 each.[TS4:ROM]

ru:Цветок смерти