Skill class

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The Sims 3 The Sims 4: Discover University

"Class" redirects here. For other uses, see Class (disambiguation).

A skill class is a method to improve skills by attending one at a rabbit hole in The Sims 3 and The Sims 4: Discover University.

The Sims 3[edit | edit source]

In The Sims 3, all skills except Photography, Martial Arts, Nectar Making, and Sculpting have their own class at a rabbit hole. Generally, the standard fee of a skill class is §400, and a class lasts for an hour. This is not always the case; for example, Mixology and Riding classes costs §500 and lasts for two hours, an Advanced Technology class costs §500 and lasts for three hours, and so on.

Sims may attend a skill class between 6 AM and 11 PM. Sims can get a 20% discount by checking the newspaper. However, only pre-Late Night skills and Mixology may have a discount, while the others don't. A celebrity may get another discount[TS3:LN].

Once a Sim starts attending a skill class, they may leave the class and continue later without having to pay an extra fee. Sims cannot attend a class during a concert or a game match at the stadium or a horse competition at the equestrian center, but they can during a bot competition at the plumbot competition arena.

Each Sim may only attend a class of a particular skill once during their lifetime. In addition, they cannot attend a class if they already master the skill, except for Advanced Technology skill. The Advanced Technology skill class is called space training class at the stellar observatory, and attending the class unlocks the moon bounce and commemorate moon landing interactions.

Plumbots have special Bot Building, Athletic, and Charisma classes at the plumbot competition arena. Only plumbots with Limitless Learning trait chip may attend skill classes.

Class locations[edit | edit source]

Skills Rabbit holes EP
Advanced Technology Stellar observatory &EP11
Alchemy Vault of Antiquity &EP07
Athletic Stadium &BG
Bass Theater, college of art &EP03
Bot Building Plumbot competition arena &EP11
Charisma City hall, college of business &BG
Cooking Diner, bistro, college of art &BG
Drums Theater, college of art &EP03
Fishing Grocery &BG
Gardening Science lab, college of science &BG
Handiness Military base, annex &BG
Guitar Theater, college of art &BG
Inventing Science lab, college of science &EP02
Laser Rhythm-a-con Theater &EP11
Logic Science lab, college of science &BG
Martial Arts None &EP01
Mixology Bistro, college of art &EP03
Nectar Making None &EP01
Painting School, college of art &BG
Photography None &EP01
Piano Theater, college of art &EP03
Riding Equestrian center &EP05
Science Science lab, college of science &EP09
Scuba Diving Science lab &EP10
Sculpting None &EP02
Social Networking Office building, college of business &EP09
Street Art College of art &EP09
Writing Office building, college of business, college of art &BG

The Sims 4: Discover University[edit | edit source]

Skill classes return in The Sims 4: Discover University. Sims attend one at a campus rabbit hole. However for off-campus students and non-students, skill classes can be attended directly from a Sim's phone - Sims will then disappear for a while to attend the class. All skills in the game can be improved with a skill class. They can be used as an easy way to improve the required skills for a degree, an elective class, or a career.