Erin Davis

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The Sims Pet Stories

Erin Davis
Gender Female Female
Age Adult
Life state Sim
Erin is a quiet, introspective and down-to-earth girl. Her evident artistic talent is outshone only by her kind and generous heart.
Education and employment
Career Unemployed
Family/Families Davis family
Marital status Single
Romances Stephen Loyal Crush
Pets Buster Davis
Zodiac sign Cancer
Aspiration Family Family
Lifetime want Marry Off 6 Children
Turn-ons Glasses
Black Hair
Turn-off Blonde hair
Hair color Black
Eye color Grey
Skin color Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims Pet Stories
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Mesa Flats

Erin Davis is a pre-made adult Sim from Mesa Flats, one of the neighborhoods shipped with The Sims Pet Stories. She is a possible love interest for Stephen Loyal, the protagonist of the Midnight Masquerade story. She owns a dog named Buster and she's a good friend of Stephen's cousin Celeste Girard. She is implied to be a self-employed artist. She is a quiet, introspective and down-to-earth girl. Her evident artistic talent is outshone only by her kind and generous heart. Erin first appears in the story, to bring Celeste's cat Diva to Stephen Loyal, who will take care of Diva while Celeste is on her honeymoon. Originally, Erin was going to take care of Diva, but had to decline because Buster keeps using her as a pillow. Stephen thinks Erin is cute and invites her in for coffee, but she can't stay long because she is finishing a painting. While Stephen and Erin drink coffee, Diva starts to scratch up Stephen's favorite couch. So he scolds her. Erin calms Stephen down by saying that Diva's just getting familiar there and that he can trust her because she used to be a veterinarian, which is why she is so good with animals.

A few days later, Erin passes by Stephen's house while walking Buster and Stephen asks Erin to go out at Chez Prix. Erin agrees, finishes walking her dog and meets Stephen at the restaurant. The two have dinner, but after eating the food they feel sick as well as the whole restaurant. They decide to take photos in the photo booth, which turn out to be terrible. They then both head home.

The next day, Stephen walks into Erin at Six Points Plaza and Erin says she brought him some special soup to help him feel better after getting sick at Chez Prix. Erin tells him that the recipe is a family secret and that it's a mother-daughter tradition. Stephen then shows off the Roll Over command he taught Diva and asks Erin to the masquerade. Erin says she'd love to go with him, but Gordon Fetching already asked her.

A couple days later, Erin and Gordon go out to Club Z. Stephen is there too, with Rachel Ware. Later, Erin sees them kissing and asks Stephen if he's dating Rachel now to which he replies 'sort of'. This makes Rachel angry and she tells Stephen she'll call him tomorrow and leaves. Gordon then says Erin painted him in a portret and gives the painting to Stephen to show off. After that, Gordon and Erin leave together.

Next day, Stephen invites Erin to Sal's Bratwurst and Culture because he feels bad about what happened at Club Z. Once there, Stephen introduces Erin to his friend Sal Zugovich and they order a table. After Stephen and Erin eat, they slow dance. Erin tells Stephen that she thinks they are at different places in their lives and mentions Gordon. Stephen interrupts her and starts to insult Gordon which makes her angry because she just wanted to tell him she's confused, not get him start on a rant about someone she cares for. Erin then leaves.

Next day, Erin goes to Six Points Plaza. Stephen sees her and decides to buy her roses and apologizes to her for last night. Erin then accepts the roses and the apologies.

On the Masquerade day, Erin and Gordon go to the Amber Hall for the Midnight Masquerade and slow dance together. Stephen talks to Erin when Gordon decides to have a dance with Rachel, but soon Gordon is about to play and Erin wants to go listen. After Julianne Charlot announces Gordon as the king of the Midnight Masquerade, the police arrive and arrest him. Erin then learns that Gordon is a con-man who was after her simoleons and realises that Stephen was right about him and trying to protect her. Stephen is then annouced king instead and it is now up to the player to choose his queen, either Erin or Rachel.

If the player chooses Erin, he'll propose engagement and they'll go on a romantic trip to Simaican Isles. No matter what choice is made, Erin and Buster live in 29 McLaren Street and become playable from there when the story is finished. Whether Erin moves in and marries Stephen is up to the player to decide.

Erin has the Family aspiration and the Cancer zodiac sign. As far as personality goes, Erin is very nice. But also somewhat serious and quite shy. When it comes to her skill points, Erin is past halfway towards maximizing the mechanical skill, is halfway towards maximizing the charisma skill, is almost halfway towards maximizing the body, logic, and cleaning skills, and has low cooking and creativity skills. Her main interests are Animals and Food. Despite the story implying she is artistic, Erin is not interested in Culture and she only has one skill point in creativity.

Simology[edit | edit source]

Sloppy 5 Neat
Shy 3 Outgoing
Lazy 5 Active
Serious 4 Playful
Grouchy 8 Nice

Image Interest Level
Environment 5
Food 8
Weather 3
Culture 5
Money 6
Politics 6
Paranormal 3
Health 7
Fashion 4
Travel 4
Crime 7
Sports 4
Entertainment 5
Animals 10
Work 7
School 4
Toys 2
Sci-Fi 0

Image Memory Type
Met Mystery Sim Positive
Made Best Friends with Mystery Sim Positive
Had Very First Kiss with Mystery Sim Positive
Kissed Mystery Sim for the First Time Positive
Moved In Positive

Image Item Value
NOYIN 2680 Cellular Phone §149

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Since Erin wears a mask in the story, her facial structure could be replaced with the second template in CAS. This is a common glitch in The Sims Pet Stories.
  • There is conflicting information on if there is a glitch if the player chooses Erin as the Queen. See both links in the references section.[1][2]
  • She shares the same surname with the twins Almeric and Aldric Davis.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

pt-br:Érica Davi ru:Эрин Дэвис