Jocasta Bachelor

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The Sims 2 The Sims 3

Jocasta Bachelor
Gender Female Female
Age Elder
Life state Ghost
Family/Families Bachelor family
Marital status Married
Romances Simis Bachelor Husband Deceased
Children Bella Goth Daughter, Michael Bachelor Son Deceased
Zodiac sign Aries
Aspiration Popularity
Hair color Grey
Eye color Dark Blue
Skin color Medium
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2
Playability Deceased
Neighborhood Pleasantview
Jocasta Bachelor
Gender Female Female
Age Adult
Life state Sim
A dutiful wife and mother, Jocasta enjoys the arts, but her real hobbies are gardening and keeping her family happy by providing for their every need.
Education and employment
Career Book Genre Sorter
Family/Families Bachelor family
Marital status Married
Romances Simis Bachelor Husband
Children Bella Bachelor Daughter, Michael Bachelor Son
Traits Over-Emotional
Green Thumb
Lifetime wish The Perfect Garden
Favorites Latin
Hot Pink
Hair color Brown
Eye color Brown
Skin color Tan
Body shape Fat Fat
Other information
Game The Sims 3
Playability Playable
World Sunset Valley

Jocasta Bachelor is one of the pre-created Sims featured in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3.

Though deceased when The Sims 2 begins, she can be seen in the relationship trees of playable Sims Cassandra Goth and Alexander Goth, who are her grandchildren. She resided, during her lifetime, in the Sunset Valley neighborhood that ships with The Sims 3. She is the mother of Bella and Michael Bachelor.

She is also wife of Simis Bachelor. Her parents are unknown and never mentioned in The Sims 2, and, unlike the parents of her husband, are not mentioned in The Sims 3.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Life leading up to The Sims 3[edit | edit source]

In The Sims 3, Jocasta Bachelor is an adult living with her husband, Simis, teenage son, Michael, and younger daughter, Bella in Sunset Valley. She works as a Book Store Clerk. Jocasta's main priority is keeping her family happy, but her other hobbies include gardening, fishing, and sometimes cooking, though she doesn't have a lot of time to enjoy them. Her lifetime wish is to have the Perfect Garden.

Jocasta's personality traits in The Sims 3 are over-emotional, loner, green thumb, coward, and angler. The "loner" trait seems to be chosen incorrectly because Jocasta's aspiration is Popularity and she is even outgoing in The Sims 2. However, it is possible that Jocasta outgrew the "loner" trait and became more of an outgoing and popular person. Other traits are completely unique. She grows her own garden in the backyard, which is the biggest garden in Sunset Valley. Despite her biography in The Sims 3 stating that she loves the arts, she doesn't have the Artistic trait nor any painting skill.

When compared to her appearance in The Sims 2, Jocasta's appearance in The Sims 3 is more that of a housewife-and-mother kind of woman. She appears to be slimmer and more elegant in The Sims 2, compared to her appearance in The Sims 3. She wears an orange tank top with yellow capris. The color of her eyes was changed to dark brown and the color of her lipstick to bright red. Perhaps when her children moved out, she exercised and dressed differently. When the family is first played, Jocasta is 16 days from being an elder.

Life leading up to The Sims 2[edit | edit source]

By the time the storyline has caught to The Sims 2, Jocasta Bachelor is already deceased, as is her husband, Simis Bachelor. Her son, Michael Bachelor, died of old age after marrying Dina Caliente. This leaves Jocasta's daughter, Bella Goth and her grandchildren, Cassandra and Alexander Goth as her only living descendants. Jocasta died in the elder stage, hinting that she could've died of old age, however her grave is nowhere to be found. For that reason, her cause of death is unknown, as she has no ghost, and it's impossible to resurrect her in normal circumstances. Since Cassandra Goth has no memories of both Simis and Jocasta's deaths, it is possible that they died around the time she was born. That would (retroactively) explain why they did not appear in The Sims. According to her SimDNA in SimPE, her hair was blonde before it grayed.

Though her character data was deleted, regenerating her with SimPE is a tad easier than most dead ancestors, as her facial features are exactly like one of the pre-made faces (except for slightly customized eyes), unlike most unresurrectable Sims. According to SimPE, Jocasta had 25 days left when she died.

Resurrection tip
This Sim has no character data and cannot be resurrected in-game. For more information, read this guide.

Simology[edit | edit source]

The Sims 2
Sloppy 5 Neat
Shy 8 Outgoing
Lazy 6 Active
Serious 3 Playful
Grouchy 3 Nice

The Sims 2
Image Interest Level
Environment 9
Food 9
Weather 5
Culture 7
Money 5
Politics 9
Paranormal 3
Health 1
Fashion 8
Travel 0
Crime 2
Sports 9
Entertainment 6
Animals 3
Work 3
School 4
Toys 4
Sci-Fi 0

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Other Languages[edit | edit source]

Language The Sims 2 The Sims 3
English Jocasta Bachelor Jocasta Bachelor
Brazilian Portuguese Jocasta Solteirus Jocasta Solteirus
Chinese (Simplified) 约卡斯塔 巴奇勒
Chinese (Traditional) 瓊卡斯塔 巴克羅 俄卡斯達 巴奇勒
Czech Jocasta Bakalářová
Danish Malene Ungkaal
Dutch Jolanda Vrijevogel Jolanda Vrijevogel
European Portuguese Jocasta Solteirão Jocasta Solteirão
Finnish Minna Vapaala
French Jocaste Galantome Jocaste Galantome
German Jolande Junggesell Jolande Junggesell
Italian Giuditta Bianco
Japanese ジョカスタ バチェラー
Korean 요카스타 바첼러
Norwegian Joika-Kari Bastiansen
Polish Jokasta Kawaler
Russian Джокасто Холостякки Джокасто Холостякки
Spanish Esther De la Soledad Esther De la Soledad
Swedish Josefin Ungkarl Josefin Ungkarl
Thai โย•คาส•ต้า แบช•เชอ•เลอร์
Bachelor Family
Milton - Enriqueta - Simis - Jocasta - Michael - Bella

nl:Jolanda Vrijevogel fr:Jocaste Galantome es:Esther De la Soledad no:Joika-Kari Bastiansen pl:Jokasta Kawaler pt-br:Jocasta Solteirus ru:Джокасто Холостякки