Natural scientist

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The Sims 2: University

The natural science career track is a career that has to do with the study of natural science (biology, ecology, etc.). It is found in the University expansion pack for The Sims 2. It is only available to graduates of university, so it does not have a teen/elder track. If Apartment Life is installed, Bohemians are likely to be employed in this career.

The career reward that comes with this career is the Cowplant, which can eat Sims, yielding a drink that extends Sims' lifespans. The college majors associated with this career are Biology and Mathematics.

That being said, the level 10 job for natural science, ecological guru, has the highest daily pay of any of the jobs, though other top-level jobs may pay more per week, as the ecological guru only works one day per week. (The EG has the highest pension, however.) On the other hand, the ecological guru also has the longest workday. Oddly, though perhaps fittingly, the work uniform for the ecological guru is strategically placed leaves. While an ecological guru is at work, all of his/her needs, except hygiene, will go up. Ecological guru is one of the few jobs that does not have a carpool; an ecological guru flies to and from work. If the player cancels the "Go to Work" action, an ecological guru will not be able to go to work unless they have access to a car or Apartment Life is installed.

Natural Scientist Career Levels
1) Ratkeeper
Yes, you tend rats for a living. It's not the greatest job, but at least it gets you started with a career in the biological sciences. The bites don't go too deep and no redness or irritation has started, so chances are you might live to see a promotion if you work on your skills. S M T W T F S Cleaning 0
09:00 - 16:00
Mechanical 0
Body 0
§325/day Logic 0
No bonus Friends requirement 0
2) Algae Hunter
Who knows what wondrous treasures lurk in our rivers and streams? The Algae Hunter, that's who! Your job is sample collection, your focus is algae. You don't perform any of the official tests yourself, but at least you have a job that lets you enjoy the great (slimy) outdoors. S M T W T F S Cleaning 1
08:00 - 15:00
Mechanical 1
Body 1
§483/day Logic 0
Bonus: §966 Friends requirement 0
3) Clam Wrangler
Let's face it: Clams are slippery little bivalves. Sometimes keeping their natural habitats in check requires a little wrangling, and that's where you come in. Long regarded as a jumping ground for the more prestigious careers in Natural Science, Clam Wrangling requires a strong body and quick reflexes. Work those skills and prestige may not be far off. S M T W T F S Cleaning 1
09:00 - 16:00
Mechanical 2
Body 3
§672/day Logic 0
Bonus: §1,344 Friends requirement 0
4) Scatmaster
You are a Scatmaster—a freelance specialist in animal droppings. Your work comes in many forms - from tracking animals to determining their dietary habits. You're one of the best at what you do. Because, lets face it—this is a pretty niche field. S M T W T F S Cleaning 3
11:00 - 18:00
Mechanical 3
Body 4
§787/day Logic 0
Bonus: §1,574 Friends requirement 1
5) Soil Identifier
As a freelance Soil Identifier, you will be at the beck and call of construction teams, farmers, and city officials. Is it a Mesic sandy clay loam, or a Xeric loamy clay sand? To everybody else, it's just dirt. To you, it's SCIENCE! S M T W T F S Cleaning 5
09:00 - 16:00
Mechanical 4
Body 5
§945/day Logic 1
Bonus: §1,890 Friends requirement 2
6) Rogue Botanist
No more freelancing for you! You've found yourself a University sponsor, allowing you to do some real research of your own. The organization has deemed you their "Rogue Botanist", a suspicious yet handsomely paying title. S M T W T F S Cleaning 6
10:00 - 17:00
Mechanical 6
Body 5
§1,134/day Logic 3
Bonus: §2,268 Friends requirement 4
7) Animal Linguist
More than just sitting and talking with a parrot all day, the position of Animal Linguist is a prestigious and important job. You are tasked with finding semantic patterns in the sounds of all kinds of critters, with the hopes of someday creating a universal language to unite all fauna! S M T W T F S Cleaning 6
10:00 - 17:00
Mechanical 6
Body 5
§1,344/day Logic 6
Bonus: §2,688 Friends requirement 6
8) Unnatural Crossbreeder
An opening at a suspicious, privately owned offshore laboratory? Sounds good to you! The pay is great, the ethics are lax, and you've got access to pretty much any equipment you could possibly want. Just watch out for the Possumfish. It bites. S M T W T F S Cleaning 7
09:00 - 16:00
Mechanical 7
Body 5
§1,554/day Logic 8
Bonus: §3,108 Friends requirement 8
9) Dinosaur Cloner
I mean, come on—everybody knows how to make dinosaurs. Find a DNA sample, splice and create a cloning vector, integrate the DNA into bacterial cells to accelerate growth . . . You know, easy stuff. But the real fact of the matter is that nobody has had the guts or a large enough financial endowment before. You've got both. S M T W T F S Cleaning 8
11:00 - 18:00
Mechanical 9
Body 6
§2,283/day Logic 10
Bonus: §4,566 Friends requirement 10
10) Ecological Guru
Your breath is the wind, your body the earth. Your voice is the call of the wild. You are . . . the Ecological Guru. You tell people to change their environmental practices—and they listen. March yourself out on the world and make a difference—you're a veritable force of nature. S M T W T F S Cleaning 8
12:00 - 09:00
Mechanical 10
Body 8
§10,497/day Logic 10
Bonus: §20,994 Friends requirement 12

Adult Chance Cards[edit | edit source]

For more information on Chance Cards in The Sims 2, see Chance card.

Natural Scientist Chance Cards
1) Ratkeeper
<Sim> has been left in charge of Mrs. Nippers, the laboratory's award winning and very intelligent rodent. Since Mrs. Nippers is highly intelligent and mischievous but is fighting an intense cheese addiction, <Sim> has express instructions to stop any crafty prank she might pull. Suddenly, a delivery person appears at the door with an order of four extra cheese pizzas, charged to <Sim>'s supervisor account. Should <Sim> let Mrs. Nippers eat the pizzas and pay for them himself/herself, or call a supervisor, upsetting Mrs. Nippers, but saving himself/herself money? Let Her Eat Success:
Logic Skill +1
85% chance
Fired Get Fired
14% chance
Call and Wait Success:
Logic Skill +1
14% chance
Fired Get Fired
85% chance
2) Algae Hunter
No chance cards for this level
3) Clam Wrangler
No chance cards for this level
4) Scatmaster
No chance cards for this level
5) Soil Identifier
As the resident soil expert, <Sim>'s been called out to a construction site by the SimCity Mesozoic Reenactment Society to resolve a dispute over the historical significance of the soon to be demolished LandGrabb Tar Pits. Construction is set to begin today, and based on the soil samples he's/she's examined so far there appears to be no trace of prehistoric significance. Does he/she delay the construction to do some further tests, or allow construction to proceed unhindered? Allow to Proceed Success:
15% chance
Fired Get Fired
84% chance
Test Further Success:
Logic Skill +2
84% chance
Fired Get Fired
15% chance
6) Rogue Botanist
<Sim>, still unclear as to why the University chose to give him/her the title of "rogue" botanist, has decided to play the part and venture deep into the uncharted deserts of Strangetown (against the advice of his/her superiors). While there he/she discovers a crash site still smoldering with the wreckage of what he/she can only assume is an alien spacecraft. All around the craft, small iridescent plants have begun to sprout up. Should <Sim> harvest some for examination, or call in a research team? Harvest Success:
15% chance
Logic Skill -2
84% chance
Call for Help Success:
Promotion Promoted to Ecological Guru
84% chance
No Penalty
15% chance
7) Animal Linguist
<Sim> believes he's/she's finally made a distinction between parroted speak, and the actual linguistic capabilities of the Red-Beaked Macaw. His/Her research is certainly not airtight, but considering that he's/she's heard some of his/her colleagues are close to a similar breakthrough, he/she needs to decide whether to publish his/her findings now, or risk waiting until he/she can prove his/her theories more definitively. Wait Success:
Promotion Promoted to Unnatural Crossbreeder
85% chance
Demotion Demoted to Rogue Botanist
14% chance
Publish Success:
Promotion Promoted to Unnatural Crossbreeder
14% chance
Logic Skill -2
85% chance
8) Unnatural Crossbreeder
No chance cards for this level
9) Dinosaur Cloner
Deep in the bowels of the University's most top secret bio-mechanical research institute, <Sim> has unearthed a process through which the first total reconstruction of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, without the aid of cybernetics, may finally be possible. However, the process will require all the fossilized amber remaining in the lab's vault, or alternatively and more dangerously, a computer synthesized reanimation core. Should <Sim> resurrect the Lizard King using the raw amber, earmarked for research, or the unstable synthesized material? Use Amber Success:
Big Bonus +§50,000
85% chance
14% chance
Synthesized Materials Success:
Promotion Promoted to Ecological Guru
14% chance
Demotion Demoted to Unnatural Crossbreeder
85% chance
10) Ecological Guru
No chance cards for this level
