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The Sims The Sims 2 The Sims 3 The Sims 4: City Living

The politics career track is one of the ten basic career tracks for The Sims and The Sims 2, and is one of the fourteen basic career tracks for The Sims 3. It also appears in The Sims 4: City Living as a semi-active career, under the name "politician".

The Sims[edit | edit source]

Politics follows a very similar pay curve to the military and law enforcement career tracks, having the third-highest pay at rank 1 but the third-lowest pay at rank 10 of any of the career tracks in the base game. However, it is by far the most difficult career track to reach the top of due to its extremely steep friend requirement (17!), and at high ranks, it has by far the worst ratio of pay to friends required. Out of all 20 careers from the base game, Livin' Large, and Unleashed, it is tied with Paranormal for being the most difficult career track to climb and only Slacker has a worse ratio of pay to friends required at rank 10. It's good for making quick cash in the first few in-game days of a Sim's life, but players will probably want to switch to something else as soon as possible.

Politics Career Levels
1) Campaign Worker
The salary is minuscule, but you get your feet wet in the political puddle by helping a favorite local candidate into office. The job requires long hours managing telephone teams and volunteer groups canvassing neighborhoods for votes. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 0
09:00 - 18:00
Friends requirement 0
2) Intern
Start out running errands for the Sim City Controller and try to work your way up to getting lunch for the mayor. Low pay, long hours. You'll need lots of charisma to advance in politics. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friends requirement 0
3) Lobbyist
A special-interest group to influence local politicians hires you. Heavy social skills and lots of friends are needed to advance in this career--you must win friends and influence people. Charisma skill is essential to progress in a political career. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 2
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friends requirement 0
4) Campaign Manager
Salary jumps, but overtime work increases. You must still maintain neighborhood relationships and domestic tranquility. You need to cultivate your "image". Practice charisma and develop that all-important spin control. Without it, your political career is sunk. But friends in the right places can sometimes be very useful. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 2
Body 0 Logic 1 Creativity 0
09:00 - 18:00
Friends requirement 2
5) City Council Member
Your first elected post, finally admitted to Sim City's inner power circle. A well-paid job to be sure. The more persuasive and creative you are in pushing your own agenda through the council, the faster you will advance in the political machine. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 3
Body 1 Logic 1 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friends requirement 4
6) State Assemblyman / State Assemblywoman
The voters trust you enough to represent their fair city in the State Assembly. Fortunately, Sim City is the state capital, so you'll be close to home. A lot of creative thought will be needed in meeting with state officials to be sure Sim City's local interests are protected and promoted. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 4
Body 2 Logic 1 Creativity 1
09:00 - 16:00
Friends requirement 6
7) Congressman / Congresswoman
The people have spoken once again, and elected you to Congress. You'll spend your time covering your district from your local office. Networking with neighbors and making new friends to keep political support must be balanced with maintaining a contented house and family. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 4
Body 3 Logic 3 Creativity 2
10:00 - 14:00
Friends requirement 9
8) Judge
You win a position on the Sim City Central Court. Your peerless logical skill at reading human nature and deconstructing legal arguments will prompt your success and continuing rise in status. Cultivate friends in your spare hours. Watch mood indicators and keep alert--you're supposed to be clear-headed and impartial when the gavel comes down. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 5
Body 4 Logic 4 Creativity 3
10:00 - 14:00
Friends requirement 11
9) Senator
You're authoring bills and chairing important subcommittees. You appear regularly on political talk shows and your influence is being felt around the Capitol. With a little more speaking experience and a few more friends, you may attain the most coveted Sim position: Mayor of SimCity! Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 6
Body 5 Logic 6 Creativity 4
09:00 - 18:00
Friends requirement 14
10) Mayor
As Mayor of Sim City, you're entitled to big bucks--you can finally afford that "house on the hill" where the town's elite citizens cluster. You are a master at the political game and it's obvious you enjoy the fame as well as the excitement of shaking up the entrenched bureaucrats. It's great to be powerful, isn't it? Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 9
Body 5 Logic 7 Creativity 5
09:00 - 15:00
Friends requirement 17

The Mayor will eventually change careers and become an Intern in the Medicine career track.

Chance cards[edit | edit source]

Circus Chance Cards
1) Campaign Worker
No chance cards for this level
2) Intern
Your involvement with a prominent elected official is discovered and scandal erupts. Appearances on the talk-show circuit increase your Charisma by 2.

Positive: +2

3) Lobbyist
No chance cards for this level
4) Campaign Manager
Even though it was a tight race, your candidate lost the election. You lose 1 Charisma point.

Negative: -1

5) City Council Member
No chance cards for this level
6) State Assemblyman/State Assemblywoman
No chance cards for this level
7) Congressman/Congresswoman
No chance cards for this level
8) Judge
With wisdom and panache, you preside over the conviction of SimCity's most notorious gangster, winning accolades across SimNation. You receive a book deal and collect a $5000 advance.

Positive: +§5000

9) Senator
No chance cards for this level
10) Mayor
A mysterious scandal forces you to resign from office. However, your well-developed people skills allow you to land a job as an intern at the local hospital. A new career in medicine awaits.

Negative: Change to the Medicine career track as an Intern.

The Sims 2[edit | edit source]

In The Sims 2, the career reward object is the Enterprise Office Concepts Bushmaster Tele-Prompter. It enhances a Sim's ability to improve the Charisma skill. If The Sims 2: Apartment Life is installed, Socialites are likely to work in this career. The college majors associated with this career are Political Science, Economics, History and Drama, making it (Along with Show Business) the only career track with 4 college majors associated.

Adult promotion levels[edit | edit source]

Politics Career Levels
1) Campaign Worker
The salary is minuscule, but you get your feet wet in the political puddle by helping a favorite local candidate into office. The job requires long hours managing telephone teams and volunteer groups canvassing neighborhoods for votes. S M T W T F S Creativity 0
09:00 - 18:00
Logic 0
Charisma 0
§308/day Friends requirement 0
No bonus
2) Intern
Start out running errands for the SimCity Controller and try to work your way up to getting lunch for the mayor. Low pay, long hours. You'll need lots of charisma to advance in politics. S M T W T F S Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Logic 0
Charisma 0
§420/day Friends requirement 0
Bonus: §840
3) Lobbyist
A special-interest group to influence local politicians hires you. Heavy social skills and lots of friends are needed to advance in this career—you must win friends and influence people. Charisma skill is essential to progress in a political career. S M T W T F S Creativity 0
08:00 - 14:00
Logic 0
Charisma 0
§504/day Friends requirement 0
Bonus: §1,008
4) Campaign Manager
Salary jumps, but overtime work increases. You must still maintain neighborhood relationships and domestic tranquility. You need to cultivate your "image". Practice charisma and develop that all-important spin control. Without it, your political career is sunk. But friends in the right places can sometimes be very useful. S M T W T F S Creativity 1
08:00 - 17:00
Logic 1
Charisma 0
§602/day Friends requirement 1
Bonus: §1,204
5) City Council Member
Your first elected post, you've finally been admitted to SimCity's inner power circle. A well-paid job to be sure. The more persuasive and creative you are in pushing your own agenda through the council, the faster you will advance in the political machine. S M T W T F S Creativity 2
09:00 - 15:00
Logic 2
Charisma 2
§679/day Friends requirement 2
Bonus: §1,358
6) State Assemblyperson
The voters trust you enough to represent their fair city in the State Assembly. Fortunately, SimCity is the state capital, so you'll be close to home. A lot of creative thought will be needed in meeting with state officials to be sure SimCity's local interests are protected and promoted. S M T W T F S Creativity 2
09:00 - 16:00
Logic 3
Charisma 4
§756/day Friends requirement 3
Bonus: §1,512
7) Congressperson
The people have spoken once again, and elected you to Congress. You'll spend your time covering your district from your local office. Networking with neighbors and making new friends to keep political support must be balanced with maintaining a contented house and family. S M T W T F S Creativity 3
09:00 - 15:00
Logic 4
Charisma 6
§840/day Friends requirement 5
Bonus: §1,680
8) Judge
You win a position on the SimCity Central Court. Your peerless logical skill at reading human nature and deconstructing legal arguments will prompt your success and continuing rise in status. Cultivate friends in your spare hours. Watch mood indicators and keep alert—you're supposed to be clear-headed and impartial when the gavel comes down. S M T W T F S Creativity 3
10:00 - 14:00
Logic 7
Charisma 8
§1,138/day Friends requirement 6
Bonus: §2,276
9) Senator
You're authoring bills and chairing important subcommittees. You appear regularly on political talk shows and your influence is being felt around the Capitol. With a little more speaking experience and a few more friends, you may attain the most coveted Sim position: Mayor of SimCity! S M T W T F S Creativity 5
09:00 - 18:00
Logic 8
Charisma 9
§1,225/day Friends requirement 8
Bonus: §2,450
10) Mayor
As Mayor of SimCity, you're entitled to big bucks—you can finally afford that "house on the hill" where the town's elite citizens cluster. You are a master at the political game and it's obvious you enjoy the fame as well as the excitement of shaking up the entrenched bureaucrats. It's great to be powerful, isn't it? S M T W T F S Creativity 7
10:00 - 16:00
Logic 10
Charisma 10
§1,313/day Friends requirement 10
Bonus: §2,626

Teen/elder promotion levels[edit | edit source]

Politics Career Levels
1) Door to Door Poller
As a door-to-door poller, you leave your ego at the "door"—modern day Sim families aren't very welcoming to strangers bearing clipboards, regardless of their occupation. They've heard it all and no longer trust that you aren't trying to sell them something or steal something from them. You've got your work cut out for you. S M T W T F S Creativity 0
17:00 - 21:00
Logic 0
Charisma 0
§53/day Friends requirement 0
No bonus
2) Campaign Worker
The salary is minuscule, but you get your feet wet in the political puddle by helping a favorite local candidate into office. The job requires long hours managing telephone teams and volunteer groups canvassing neighborhoods for votes. S M T W T F S Creativity 0
15:00 - 18:00
Logic 0
Charisma 1
§72/day Friends requirement 2
Bonus: §144
3) Intern
Start out running errands for the SimCity Controller and try to work your way up to getting lunch for the mayor. Low pay, long hours. You'll need lots of charisma to advance in politics. S M T W T F S Creativity 1
15:00 - 18:00
Logic 1
Charisma 1
§112/day Friends requirement 4
Bonus: §244

Adult chance cards[edit | edit source]

For more information on Chance Cards in The Sims 2, see Chance card.
Politics Chance Cards
1) Campaign Worker
While working on the phones at the campaign office, <Sim> receives a call from a reporter claiming to be from the SimCity Herald. The reporter says she just has a few questions about the campaign. <Sim> could go and bother the council member's personal assistant, or answer some questions himself/herself. Get Assistant Success:
Charisma Skill +1
85% chance
14% chance
Answer Success:
Promotion Promoted to Intern
14% chance
Fired Get Fired
85% chance
2) Intern
The controller has a stack of paperwork on his desk that <Sim> has been asked to read through and assign priority levels to the tasks. About halfway through the stack, he/she finds some speeches that the controller has been asked to edit. <Sim> has an okay eye for syntax, and he/she knows how busy the controller is, so he/she could try editing them himself/herself, or scan the speeches into his/her word processor and run the grammar check on them. Edit Success:
Logic Skill +1
15% chance
Demotion Demoted to Campaign worker
84% chance
Grammar Check Success:
84% chance
Fired Get Fired
15% chance
3) Lobbyist
<Sim>'s consortium has asked him/her to meet with a member of the Senate and lobby him/her to vote against the Llama Land preservation bill. The bill will halt the construction on a major intercity highway that passes through a section of wildlife reserve. <Sim> isn't sure how he/she feels about the task. He/She could do as he's/she's told, or follow his/her conscience and secretly lobby in support of the bill. Lobby For Success:
Charisma Skill +1
85% chance
Lose a day's pay (§504)
14% chance
Lobby Against Success:
Promotion Promoted to Campaign Manager
14% chance
Fired Get Fired
85% chance
4) Campaign Manager
<Sim> and the senator he's/she's campaigning for are due at a "meet and greet" within the hour, but the senator appears to have received another delivery of Elderberry Nectar from her aunt in Old Town, and is passed out on her office couch. <Sim> could call and cancel the publicity event, or get some coffee into her and put her under the gun, groggy or not. Cancel Event Success:
Logic Skill +2
Charisma Skill +1
85% chance
Charisma Skill -1
14% chance
Go As Planned Success:
14% chance
Lose a day's pay (§602)
Logic Skill -1
85% chance
5) City Council Member
The council has convened to discuss the renovation of a local park. The park is in what the mayor like to call an "underfinanced" part of the city, and though the park has some historical significance, the surrounding housing and public works are as equally in need of renovation. The pros and cons are complex, but when it comes time to vote, <Sim> has only two options. Vote Yes Success:
Charisma Skill +2
85% chance
Charisma Skill -2
14% chance
Vote No Success:
Charisma Skill +2
14% chance
Charisma Skill -2
85% chance
6) State Assemblyperson
Though State Assembly members are not up for re-election in the upcoming elections, members of Congress are, and <Sim>'s local district doesn't have many strong or seasoned candidates on the ballots yet. <Sim> is happy with his/her current position, but the step to Congressman/Congresswoman is one he'd/she'd like to make at some point. He/She doesn't have the experience that most candidates do when running for Congress, but he/she does have a good public following. Should he/she run for Congress, or take his/her publicity and back another candidate of the same party affiliation? Run Success:
Promotion Promoted to Congressperson
15% chance
Charisma Skill -3
84% chance
Lend Support Success:
84% chance
Demotion Demoted to Campaign Manager
15% chance
7) Congressperson
A bill has found its way to the Congress floor that if passed would designate large sections of undeveloped waterfront as wildlife preservation area. The Canary Breeding Ground Bill would be a no-brainer for <Sim>, as the SimCity Canary is an endangered species, and its habitats has been increasing encroached upon as the City steadily expands. Yet, there is an unusual amount of pressure coming from a number of special interest groups, and if <Sim> were to vote against the bill, the lobbyists would certainly make it worth his/her while. Vote Yes Success:
Charisma Skill +2
Logic Skill +2
85% chance
Logic Skill -3
14% chance
Vote No Success:
14% chance
85% chance
8) Judge
The next case on <Sim>'s docket is a misdemeanor shop-lifting charge, which would normally involve little more than a public defender pleading out the defendant, and <Sim> assigning a small fine and some relevant community service. But the defendant in this case is none other than the Mayor's favorite niece, her pride and joy, and the bane of store security guards everywhere. The young woman has been hauled into court more times than <Sim> can remember, but each and every time, the judge involved dismissed the charges on the basis of some technicality provided by the young kleptomaniac's high-priced legal staff. The case is cut and dry. The girl is guilty, but when it comes time for <Sim> to render his/her verdict, he/she pauses to weigh the ramifications of his decision. Innocent Success:
15% chance
Fired Get Fired
84% chance
Guilty Success:
Charisma Skill +2
Logic Skill +2
84% chance
No Penalty
15% chance
9) Senator
As a member of the Joint Sub-Committee on Aquaculture, <Sim> has been asked to spearhead an investigation into the possible connection between the military's new sonar technology rig and the increasing number of beached whales around SimCity. The power-that-be have categorically denied any connection between the two events, but it takes <Sim> only a few hours to note that each documented use of the technology corresponds directly to the beaching of multiple whales, both in time and location. <Sim> prepares his/her findings and announces his/her intentions to present them to the Sub-Committee ASAP. En route to the Senate Building, he/she turns a corner and spots a black helicopter descending silently from only a few stories above him/her. With no time to think, all <Sim> can do is to run or hide. Run Success:
Promotion Promoted to Mayor
15% chance
Demotion Demoted to Judge
84% chance
Hide Success:
84% chance
Charisma Skill -1
Logic Skill -1
15% chance
10) Mayor
Landgraab Enterprises has started a joint venture to build an international seaport that would allow the transportation of larger volumes of goods in and out of SimCity. A major principle in the business venture approaches <Sim> to buy a large tract of city-owned waterfront property for only §1 an acre. With current real estate prices as high as they are, §1 an acre is highway robbery, but the construction of an international seaport could create a lot of new jobs in SimCity. Should <Sim> accept the offer? Yes Success:
15% chance
84% chance
No Success:
Big Bonus +§50,000
84% chance
Fired Get Fired
15% chance

The Sims 2 (console)[edit | edit source]

Politics is a career track available in The Sims 2 (console).

Politics Career Levels
1) Campaign Worker
-No Description- Charisma 0 Logic 0 Creativity 0
09:00 - 18:00
Friends requirement 0
Promotion Bonus: None
2) Intern
Start out running errands for the Sim City Controller and try to work your way up to getting lunch for the mayor. Low pay, long hours. You'll need lots of charisma to advance in politics. Charisma 1 Logic 0 Creativity 0
09:00 - 16:00
Friends requirement 0
Promotion Bonus: §620
3) Lobbyist
A special-interest group to influence local politicians hires you. Heavy social skills and lots of friends are needed to advance in this career--you must win friends and influence people. Charisma skill is essential to progress in a political career. Charisma 2 Logic 0 Creativity 0
09:00 - 16:00
Friends requirement 0
Promotion Bonus: §700
4) Campaign Manager
More money..more overtime. Concentrate on neighborhood and domestic tranquility. Practice charisma and develop that all-important spin control. Without it, your political career is sunk. Charisma 4 Logic 0 Creativity 0
09:00 - 16:00
Friends requirement 2
Promotion Bonus: §896
5) City Council Member
Your first elected post, finally admitted to Sim City's inner power circle. A well-paid job to be sure. The more persuasive and creative you are in pushing your own agenda through the council, the faster you will advance in the political machine. Charisma 5 Logic 2 Creativity 0
09:00 - 15:00
Friends requirement 4
Promotion Bonus: §1,120
6) State Assemblyperson
The voters trust you enough to represent their fair city in the State Assembly. Fortunately, Sim City is the state capital, so you'll be close to home. A lot of creative thought will be needed in meeting with state officials to promote Sim City's local interests. Charisma 5 Logic 3 Creativity 1
08:00 - 17:00
Friends requirement 6
Promotion Bonus: §1,456
7) Congressperson
The people have spoken once again, and elected you to Congress. You'll spend your time covering your district from your local office. Networking with neighbors and making new friends to keep political support must be balanced with maintaining a contented house and family. Charisma 5 Logic 4 Creativity 2
08:00 - 16:00
Friends requirement 7
Promotion Bonus: §1,848
8) Judge
You win a position on the Sim City Central Court. Your peerless logic in reading human nature and deconstructing legal arguments will prompt your continuing rise in status. Cultivate friends and stay alert -- you need to be clear-headed and impartial when you bring down the gavel. Charisma 6 Logic 6 Creativity 3
09:00 - 16:00
Friends requirement 8
Promotion Bonus: §2,800
9) Senator
You're authoring bills and chairing important subcommittees. You appear regularly on political talk shows and your influence is being felt around the Capitol. With a little more speaking experience and a few more friends, you may attain the most coveted Sim position: Mayor of Sim City! Charisma 7 Logic 6 Creativity 4
09:00 - 16:00
Friends requirement 10
Promotion Bonus: §3,330
10) Mayor
As Mayor of Sim City, you're entitled to big bucks--you can finally afford that "house on the hill" where the town's elite citizens cluster. You are a master at the political game and it's obvious you enjoy the fame as well as the excitement of shaking up the entrenched bureaucrats. It's great to be powerful, isn't it? Charisma 10 Logic 7 Creativity 5
10:00 - 15:00
Friends requirement 12
Promotion Bonus: §4,400

The Sims 2: Pets (console)[edit | edit source]

Government is one of the career tracks available in The Sims 2: Pets (console).[1]

Level Name Description Pay Hours Skills Required Friends Required
1 Campaign Worker §245 09:00 - 18:00 none 0
2 Intern §310 09:00 - 16:00

Charisma: 1

3 Volunteer Coordinator §350 09:00 - 16:00

Charisma: 2

4 Campaign Manager §448 09:00 - 16:00

Charisma: 4

5 City Council Member §560 09:00 - 15:00

Charisma: 5 Logic: 2

6 Planning Commissioner §728 08:00 - 17:00

Charisma: 5 Creativity: 1 Logic: 3

7 City Manager §924 08:00 - 16:00

Charisma: 5 Creativity: 2 Logic: 4

8 Comptroller General §1,400 09:00 - 16:00

Charisma: 6 Creativity: 3 Logic: 6

9 Judge §1,665 09:00 - 16:00

Charisma: 7 Creativity: 4 Logic: 6

10 Mayor §2,300 10:00 - 15:00

Charisma: 10 Creativity: 5 Logic: 7


The Sims 3[edit | edit source]

Political is one of the basic career tracks in The Sims 3. Sims can be employed from newspaper, computer, or city hall. Working in the Political career requires the Charisma skill, which indirectly requires friends in order to advance the skills as well. Additionally, Sims are required to collect government funding as one of the performance factors. Sims can collect the funds by asking in person or by throwing a campaign fundraiser party.

The Political career has a special performance tone, "Propose New Course of Action." This special tone needs 16 cumulative hours to be finished. It has several possible outcomes when Sims finish proposing the course of action. There's a 10% chance that Sims will be promoted outright regardless of performance, 30% chance for +40 relationship with the boss, 40% chance for +40 relationship with the boss but -40 with coworkers, and 20% chance that the boss and coworkers will get damaged relationships by -30 and -40, respectively.

Additionally, Sims in the Political career unlock the "Give Inspirational Speech" and "Debate Politics". Sims who have reached the top of the Political career will become a celebrity[TS3:LN].

Performance tones:

  • Business as Usual
  • Work Hard - Increases performance faster but adds stress
  • Take It Easy - Increases fun but lowers performance
  • Meet Coworkers - Meets new coworker
  • Chat with Coworkers - Builds relationship with coworkers
  • Run Errands for Supervisor - Builds relationship with the boss
  • Sleep in Judges Chamber - Increases energy
  • Propose New Course of Action - Risky action that has various outcomes
Political Career Levels
1) Podium Polisher
There's nothing glorious about being a Podium Polisher. A little wax rubbed on, a little rubbed off. The podium needs to look good for those who actually make a difference and their dramatic speeches. But, polish well enough and keep the right attitude, and there may be room within the organization for you. §24/hour No Bonus
S M T W T F S Pension: §40
09:00 - 15:00
13:00 - 18:00
Performance Factors
Charisma 0-3
Perk: Immediately unlocks "Debate Politics" friendly interaction.
2) Ballot Counter
Frequent elections require a steady cadre of reliable Ballot Counters to keep things honest and precise. You don't work for any particular party or organization... right? Keep your nose clean and do nothing more than count and report the data. Democracy is counting on you! §31/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §50
09:00 - 15:00
13:00 - 18:00
Performance Factors
Charisma 1-4
3) Campaign Intern
Your diligence has been noted and you'll work the remainder of this campaign as an intern. Copies, copies, copies! Post flyers, call potential donors, fetch coffee, keep the staplers in prime condition, and most importantly, be charismatic about it. This campaign, or at least the copy machine, cannot succeed without you! §33/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §60
09:00 - 16:00
13:00 - 19:00
Performance Factors
Charisma 2-6
4) Yes-Man / Yes-Woman
Hopefully you're ready to nod your head in the affirmative, because you've worked your way into the position of Yes-Man / Yes-Woman. Should the city vote on Bond 452 C? Yes! Should we elect a new police commissioner? Yes! How does this tie look? Yes! There's only one answer to give if you want to stay in your superiors' good graces. §45/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §70
09:00 - 15:00
13:00 - 18:00
Performance Factors
Mood Charisma 3-7
5) City Council Member
Politician at last! As the newest City Council Member, you have the unique position of affecting change on the welfare of the city. Change takes time though, and re-elections cost money. You'll need to start working your neighbors, acquaintances, and random individuals for their campaign donations. Bring your walking shoes, Councilman / Councilwoman. §69/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §90
09:00 - 14:30
13:00 - 17:30
Performance Factors
Mood Charisma 4-8
Boss Funding
Perk: Ability to throw Campaign Fundraiser and collect funds from people.
6) Local Representative
Not satisfied to see you with your hands solely on the city, your constituents want to see you at the next level. More territory means more favor and votes needed to get anything done, and that means more campaign donations. Keep the cookie jar full, and you get to keep your job. §91/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §100
09:00 - 14:30
13:00 - 17:30
Performance Factors
Mood Charisma 5-9
Boss Funding
Perk: Can use "Give Inspirational Speech" interaction to improve relationships with all Sims in the surrounding area.
7) Mayor
The legislative branch is all well and good, but the executive branch is really where the power lies. As the Mayor, you can now dictate terms to the city council you used to serve, and in the process, enact changes as you see fit. Rule with a firm fist or gentle touch, but never forget to keep your constituents happy. §130/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §130
09:00 - 14:00
13:00 - 17:30
Performance Factors
Mood Charisma 6-9
Boss Funding
Perk: Sims use limousine as a default vehicle replacing the taxi.
8) Governor
You've been pulled up to the regional level for your brilliant political acumen and adept maneuvering. The public claims to love you, but everything can change instantly with the signing of the wrong piece of legislation. Pick your battles and be wary of political opponents, as the polls are really starting to heat up. §160/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §160
09:00 - 14:00
13:00 - 17:30
Performance Factors
Mood Charisma 7-10
Boss Funding
9) Vice President
Second in command may not be the end goal, but riding the ticket long enough just might earn you the coveted top spot. Mere local matters are beneath you now that economic concerns pile onto your desk. Evil organizations aren't making matters any better, as the safety and protection of the citizenry is a prime directive of your boss. The public watches silently to see if you truly have what it takes. §267/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §180
09:00 - 13:30
13:00 - 17:00
Performance Factors
Mood Charisma 8-10
Boss Funding
10) Leader of the Free World
Without peer, (Sim Name) is in charge.

The world has voted you in as their sworn leader. Defender of truth, justice, and basic Sim rights, you—the Leader of the Free World—must work for the people more than ever. Beware of agents of evil, corruption within your government, and those not willing to serve the people above all else. This is your chance to leave your mark on the world, and it'd be a fair shame to squander it with scandal and shoddy decisions.

§423/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §280
09:00 - 13:30
13:00 - 17:00
Performance Factors
Mood Charisma 9-10
Boss Funding
Perk: Sim will gain a permanent invisible "Aura Of Leadership" around them, making Sims either wave cheerfully or boo in disapproval. This invisible aura has no effect on relationships like the Emperor of Evil's red aura and isn't affected by traits. The aura functions exactly like the celebrity aura that Rock Stars and Hit Movie Composers have at the top of the Music career branches. This invisible aura remains even after the Leader of the Free World quits or retires.

The Sims 4[edit | edit source]

The Politician career is one of the three career tracks introduced in The Sims 4: City Living expansion pack.[2] Like the other City Living careers, Sims in the Politician career have the option of working from home. They are offered their first work from home assignment immediately after joining the career, which, if completed, improves their job performance. The purpose of this assignment is to choose a cause (out of a selection of No Sim Left Behind, Simoleons for Everyone, Speak for the Trees, World United, and the Foundation for Less Mischief), which they then promote as they continue their career. After this, if they choose to work from home, they are given two randomized assignments to complete each day, though they can still choose to go to work as they normally would.

After being promoted from level four, Sims will be able to choose one of the two career paths: Politician or Charity Organizer.

Career levels[edit | edit source]

Description: "Join a life of public service! From protesting against the unjust, to gathering donations for good causes, or even collecting the occasional bribe as a "means to an end", Politics is always interesting."

Politician Career Levels
Workplace: Concerned Citizens of Myshuno
1) Unruly Activist
The Unruly Activist is new to the world of hope, change, and politics, but is not without some tools. Unruly Activists can Pick a Cause, which they can then Promote to others and Protest for on public streets. Donations are key as well, so build a base of supporters and shake hands! §16/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Daily Task:
Successfully Promote Cause
Bonus: None Pension: Unknown
2) Campaign Intern
The Campaign Intern is a very important cog in the political machine, thanks to the ability to Endorse Politics. So, get out there, endorse, and raise more funding for the cause you support! §26/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 2 Charisma Skill
Daily Task:
Successfully Promote Cause
Bonus: §172; Debate Politics interaction Pension: Unknown
3) Social Justice Worker
Social Justice Workers are arduous defenders of fairness and equality. That's what your name tag says, at least! Be sure to Check Cause Progress on a computer to see just how far you've moved...or not moved...the needle of change. §39/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 3 Charisma Skill
Daily Task:
Successfully Promote Cause
Bonus: §275; Check Cause Progress interaction (Computer); New Clothes Pension: Unknown
4) Community Organizer
As a Community Organizer it's time for some proper field work...behind a podium! You're now able to Give Speeches behind the podium in the comfort of your own home, or better yet, in the park in front of eager voters! §49/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill
Daily Task:
Successfully Promote Cause
Bonus: §413; Give Expert Speech interaction (Podium) Pension: Unknown

Politician branch[edit | edit source]

Description: "Secure votes, give speeches, and become the National Leader! Better brush up on your public policy!"

Politician Career Levels - Politician Branch
Workplace: Concerned Citizens of Myshuno
5) Civil Servant
The Civil Servant is the first step in a true Politician's career. Promote Policies and Secure Votes to succeed and move up the political ladder! §65/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 5 Charisma Skill
Secure 2 Votes
Daily Task:
Secure Votes
Bonus: §518; Promote Policies interaction; Secure Vote interaction; Make Empty Promises interaction; Ask for Small/Large Bribe interaction Pension: Unknown
6) Public Official
As a Public Official, securing the vote is more important than ever. Thankfully, you can Make Empty Promises to pair with your policy promotion. It's a 1-2 punch of public service! §91/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
Secure 3 Votes
Daily Task:
Secure Votes
Bonus: §1,555; New Clothes Pension: Unknown
7) Councilperson
The Councilperson is an elected official and must get out among the voters to secure votes, make promises of questionable value, but also, kiss babies! Yes, beautiful babies. Go find some and kiss them for ratings. §127/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 7 Charisma Skill
Secure 5 Votes
Daily Task:
Secure Votes
Bonus: §2,177; Kiss Baby interaction; unlocks "The Squared Office" styled room Pension: Unknown
8) Representative
As a Representative, you're moving up the halls of power. Gaze out upon your field and note that it is flush with progress and good policy. Well done, Representative! §178/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill
Secure 10 Votes
Daily Task:
Secure Votes
Bonus: §3,049 Pension: Unknown
9) Elder Statesperson
As an Elder Statesperson, you've been around the block once, twice, heck, even thrice! There's no baby too ugly to kiss, no promise too far fetched to make. You're always beating the pavement for your constituents. §231/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Max Charisma Skill to Level 10
Secure 20 Votes
Daily Task:
Secure Votes
Bonus: §4,268; New Clothes Pension: Unknown
10) National Leader
As the National Leader, you command the respect of countless citizens. You've clearly done something right to garner so many votes. Or, perhaps you just kissed the right baby? Soak it in, you've arrived. §340/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Daily Task:
Secure Votes
Bonus: §5,548; unlocks "Stately Chic" styled room Pension: Unknown

Charity Organizer branch[edit | edit source]

Description: "Use your political prowess for the greater good. Raise money and fund a solution for the Cause you support!"

Politician Career Levels - Charity Organizer Branch
Workplace: Concerned Citizens of Myshuno
5) Friendly Lobbyist
The Friendly Lobbyist is someone who builds community and fosters peace within, and without, the movement. Collect Donations from supporters to build momentum! §57/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 5 Charisma Skill
Collect §50 in Donations
Daily Task:
Collect Donations
Bonus: §518; Collect Donation (§25) interaction; Convince Protesters to Leave interaction Pension: Unknown
6) Fundraising Specialist
The Fundraising Specialist is all about bringing in big bucks for big causes - - your cause, that is! Shake hands, compliment, praise, and smile your way towards those cash donations. §98/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 6 Charisma Skill
Collect §500 in Donations
Daily Task:
Collect Donations
Bonus: §449; Collect Donation (§100) interaction; unlocks "Every Little Thing Counts" styled room Pension: Unknown
7) Charity Organizer
The money is really rolling in now, assuming you're doing your job! The Charity Organizer is focused on adding another 0 to every check signed for the cause. §123/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 7 Charisma Skill
Collect §1,500 in Donations
Daily Task:
Collect Donations
Bonus: §471; Collect Donation (§250) interaction; New Clothes Pension: Unknown
8) Non-Profit Director
The Non-Profit Director is truly a charming individual, capable of marshalling the forces of good - - and the benevolent wealthy forces - - for a common cause. §153/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Reach Level 8 Charisma Skill
Collect §5,000 in Donations
Daily Task:
Collect Donations
Bonus: §589; Collect Donation (§1000) interaction Pension: Unknown
9) Leader of the Cause
The Leader of the Cause is the true spokesperson and voice of the cause in which everyone around you believes. There is no truer champion of the good you intend than you. §219/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Max Charisma Skill to Level 10
Collect §20,000 in Donations
Daily Task:
Collect Donations
Bonus: §736; New Clothes Pension: Unknown
10) Charity Icon
The Charity Icon rests atop a heap of goodwill, charitable donations, and causes solved to bask in the glow of a world better served. Enjoy the feels, because you've earned them. §342/hour S M T W T F S
Hours: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Ideal Mood: Confident
Promotion Tasks:
Daily Task:
Collect Donations
Bonus: §920; unlocks "Making a Difference" styled room Pension: Unknown

Sims in the politics career[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

es:política ru:Политика pt-br:Carreira Política