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School is where children and teenagers attend to get education during those life stages. School appears in all of The Sims series, except in The Sims Castaway Stories. The school bus takes children and teens to and from school. In the first two games and The Sims 4, the school is located off-screen and is not visible to the player, just like careers. In The Sims 3, the school is a rabbit hole building.

The Sims[edit | edit source]

Children attend school every day from 9AM to 3PM, as there are no weekends in The Sims. However, they can skip a day by missing the school bus, though this usually requires player intervention. A child who misses the school bus will lose a full grade level. A baby who becomes a child after 8 AM will not be penalized for missing school, as the bus will not come for them until the next day.

Children can boost grades by studying from books or at a computer, but do not get homework. Since children don't grow up, the only eventual reward for good grades is a 100 Simoleon reward from their relatives. (Upon examination of the bookshelf using a hacking program, it is revealed that the presence of the bookshelf is what triggers the reward.)

Children whose grades linger at F for several consecutive days are first given a warning, then banished to military school. Since military school is only mentioned, and never appears in the game, children sent there are never seen again.

The Sims 2[edit | edit source]

A Sim doing their homework.

Children attend elementary school (primary school) from 9 AM to 3 PM, and teens attend high school (secondary school) from 9 AM to 1 PM. The shorter hours for high school are for the benefit of teens who may also have a part-time job. Both children and teens get the weekend off, and both ages get homework which needs to be done in order to maintain and improve grades. Having an older Sim help the younger Sim with homework will let them complete the task faster in future, and they will gain the memory of learning to study.

Normally, a Sim's grade will increase from C to C+ on the first day of school, but it may increase to B+ if the Sim's first school day is not also his or her first day as a child. This may also happen if the child goes to school in a very good mood and with high aspiration. If both of these things happen, grades may jump all the way to A+, though this is uncommon. After the first day, Sims will gain a full letter grade if they go to school with all homework done, and in a good mood.

Sims go to school on the school bus. If teen or child Sims miss the bus, they will be penalized for missing a school day. If a car or helicopter[TS2:AL] is available, older Sims can take children and teens to school, and teens can go on their own. Apartment Life also gave child and teen Sims the ability to walk to school, even if a vehicle is not available. Sims who are walking, driving, or being driven to school must leave the lot less than one hour after school begins, otherwise they will be considered late.

Sims with higher grades may, as in The Sims, be in line for cash rewards from their relatives, as well as several other perks, since success in school fulfills high-value wants for themselves and their parents/grandparents. With The Sims 2: University, teen Sims with A or higher report cards can get the SimCity Scholar's Grant, a §1000 college scholarship.

Uniforms worn by Sims who attend Private School

Sims can also be enrolled in private school by inviting the headmaster and suitably impressing him with good food, a guided tour and the right social interactions. The hours are the same, but needs are put under less strain and all students change into a default school uniform before leaving for school. Public school and private school share the same school bus.[1]

Random rewards can be dealt out around 30 game minutes before the end of a Sim's school day. They are worth bonus skill points for Sims at private school, or up to §250 cash at public school. If FreeTime is installed, children and teens may receive hobby chance cards at this time.

Children whose grades linger at F for several days may be taken away by the social worker and won't return to that particular family, but may be adopted by another one. Teens will not be taken away for an F grade, but if they have a job they will be fired regardless of their job performance and the number of days they have missed. They will also not be able to attend college until their grades improve.

If a child is adopted on a school day, he or she will get a free day off, and will not be penalized for missing school. This is because adopted children arrive at 10 AM, after the school bus has already left. However, if the child walks to school[TS2:AL] or is taken to school, he or she will be counted as having been late. Likewise, if a toddler becomes a child after 8 AM on a school day, he or she will get a free day off.

If Seasons is installed, children and teens may get a "snow day" if there is heavy snow on the ground in the morning. The school bus will not come on a snow day. If a car or helicopter is available, the "go to school" menu options will still be available, but students will not be penalized for not going to school.

It's possible for teens to get a fear of going to school. This happens when a teen has to watch over a baby or toddler when there's no adult on the lot.

The Sims 3[edit | edit source]

Children and teens go to school every weekday, barring holidays.[TS3:S] Each world has at least one school rabbit hole; if the player adds multiple schools to a world, Sims will attend the one that's closest to their home. Older Sims can also use the school to attend a painting class, get a job in the education career track[TS3:A] or enroll in university.[TS3:UL]

Children attend elementary school from 9:00am to 3:00pm, while teenagers attend high school from 9:00am to 2:00pm; the earlier end time exists to benefit teens who have part-time jobs. Teens who are not employed will still be let out at 2:00pm, which can be used as a good opportunity to get their homework done. Both school types share the same building. Unlike previous games in The Sims series, children are not taken away from their families for getting an F.

The school bus will automatically appear to drive students to school, although Sims can opt to get there via other means, such as by biking or driving. Players can choose from a number of sub-interactions while the Sims are at school. Sims can be instructed to slack off, work harder, or meet and socialize with friends. Once school ends, the school bus will appear to drive them home, although this interaction can be cancelled if players wish to send them somewhere else.

Sims can now receive detentions at school. If they are caught sleeping in class, copying homework (tasks the player can assign kids while they're at school) or busted when pranking the school (outside school hours), they will be kept behind after school for a few hours, which can interfere with part-time jobs. Sims are less likely to receive a detention if their grades are higher than a "B". While staying back late, the student can choose their tone but they will not see any improvement in grades or performance; however, if a Sim's mood is low, their grade might decrease. When detention is over, the school bus will not appear to bring them home, and the Sims will need to get home on their own.

Children and teens may bring home friends of their age after school. They can also be invited over to another student's house to play. Students who go to each other's houses will live within a reasonable distance from each other. The closer the other student, the more likely the invitation is. Children also bring home homework every school day; failure to complete homework will result in them being penalized, and they may receive a detention.

If a child or teen does not have a high performance at school, the player will not be able to choose their new trait when they grow up. For the Sim to have good grades, they need to be at school on time every day, and must complete any assigned homework.

Both children and teens will occasionally be given the opportunity to go on a field trip. The player will be asked if they consent to the student going on the field trip. If the player consents, the student will attend school as normal, but will be taken out of class during the day and driven to a rabbit hole somewhere in the world, along with a few other students of their age and their teacher. Dialogue notifications will occasionally appear while the class trip is inside, although the player has no control over the outcome of the field trip. After the field trip concludes, the Sim may receive a souvenir in their inventory. If the Sim had any afterschool activities, they will be excused from them, but will not be excused from part-time jobs.

If the school has been deleted then children and teens will stop going to school. This is the only way to not go to school, and is only possible in Windows and macOS as consoles do not have the ability. Also, if the player is controlling one ghost teen or child, they might not be signed up for a school. However, if the school is deleted then children and teens appear to be forced age up badly because they haven't been to school, but if an adult with a high enough logic skill tutors them, their grade can go up, and allow them to age up well without having to go to school.

If Generations is installed, children and teens can be enrolled into boarding school or an afterschool activity. Teens can also attempt to prank the school after hours.

If a meteor hits a school, then all sims attending will die.

Varieties[edit | edit source]

Opportunities[edit | edit source]

Received: School
Goal: Bring a fish to the Science lab
Reward: Performance Boost
Location: Science lab
Text: The Science Facility has partnered with the school to conduct a fishing project. However, they are running low on the fish for the experiment. You've been asked to bring a fish to Science Facility before the experiment begins. Your school performance will increase as a reward.
Received: School
Goal: Visit City Hall to complete the opportunity
Reward: Performance Boost
Location: City Hall
Text: Your teacher needs you to drop off a massive stack of permission slips at City Hall. This needs to happen quickly, so ride over to City Hall and leave them with the paper pushers. Your school performance will improve as a result of your kind assistance.
Received: School
Goal: Go to Work at Doo Peas Corporate Tower
Reward: Performance Boost, 500 Simoleons
Location: Doo Peas Corporate Tower
Received: School
Goal: Gain a Writing skill point
Reward: Performance Boost
Location: N/A
Received: School
Goal: Gain a Painting skill point
Reward: Performance Boost
Location: N/A
Received: School
Goal: Gain a Charisma skill point
Reward: Performance Boost
Location: N/A
Text: The Young Politicians Club wants you to join, but first you must improve your Charisma skill. Take a Charisma skill class or use an appropriate object, then return to school with your new knowledge. Your school performance will increase.
Received: School
Goal: Maintain good grades to get on the honor roll and earn a cash reward.
Reward: Money
Location: School
Text: The Mayor's office is promoting a new initiative to improve the grades and school performance to appeal to families thinking about moving to town. The mayor guarantees a cash reward to every student that makes it onto the honor roll. That reward can be yours if you can maintain good grades!
Outside Reading
Received: School
Goal: Read "Demand Exellence or You'll Get Mediocrity"
Reward: Performance Boost
Location: N/A
Text: Your teacher wants you to read "Demand Excellence or You'll Get Mediocrity", a book that should prepare you for your post-school career. Your school performance will improve after reading the book.
The Research Project
Received: School
Goal: Research Science Lab
Reward: Performance Boost
Location: Science Lab
Text: You have been given an assignment to research the local Science Facility. The folks in charge of the lab have generously offered to help you with your research if you stop by to get a tour of the facility in time. Go to the Science Facility to gather research to improve your school performance.
Clean the Bug Cage
Received: School
Goal: Clean the Bug Cage
Reward: Performance Boost
Location: School
The French Project[TS3:WA]
Received: School
Goal: Interview French local
Reward: Performance Boost
Location: France

The Sims 4[edit | edit source]

Schools make a come-back in The Sims 4, but not as rabbitholes like in The Sims 3. They're like jobs, as Sims will walk towards their lot's spawn point and disappear until school for that day is over.

Unlike The Sims 2, there aren't positive grades, such as A+, B+ or C+. In order for a child or teen sims to improve their grades, they'll have to go to school with a positive emotion (Focused is suggested as it says so in the school panel), completing their homework, doing extra credit work, working hard at class, and get extra performance boost from chance cards that randomly pop up while the Sim is still at school. These chance cards may give a large performance boost, a medium performance boost, a small performance boost, and the same goes for performance losses.

School starts at 8:00 am and ends at 3:00 pm, and if the Sim doesn't show up for school as expected, at around 9:00 am, their principal will call the Sim who is missing school and inform them that if they keep missing school, their grades will suffer. Even though the Sim is considered missing school by then, they can still be sent to school by selecting the Sim, clicking on them, and selecting "Go To School" (for kids) or "Go To High School" (for teens).

While the child/teen is at school, their options are, Normal (Default, neutral state), Slack Off (Leads to performance loss, fun gain, chance for a happy moodlet after school), Make Friends (Social gain, random notifications will appear saying the Sim met someone at school and no matter the Sim's age, they'll gain both teen and child friends that can later on be interacted with outside school if seen), Study hard (Performance need, lowers fun need, chance for a tense moodlet after school).

Also, while at school, Sims cannot get mortified, hysterical, be taken away, or starved to death. The needs that the Sim gains while at school are, social, fun (if slacking off), hunger, and bladder.

The known schools available are the Landgraab Elementary and Buckingham High.

There are no disadvantages when a teen or a child has the lowest grade possible, except from an embarrassed moodlet.

If a child with the socially gifted trait, or a teen reach enough mischief skill, they can have a partner in crime, and plan with them to do mischievous things at school such as throwing geeks at the lockers, flooding the school, fill the class with plastic water cups, etc. If the prank succeeds, the Sim will get a +2 confident moodlet, but if it fails, they'll get a +2 embarrassed moodlet and performance loss.

To reach grade B they'll need to get one skill at level 2 at one skill and to reach grade A the Sim must get level 4 at one skill (Level 3 for teenagers).

While a child is doing homework, a parent or older Sim, even a teen, can help them with their homework, to give the child a +2 focused boost, and finish homework earlier, granting the Sim that helped the child a +1 confident moodlet. The homework will be at the child's inventory and can be ordered from the bookshelf. When the child ages to teen, the grade school homework will be replaced with High School homework in their inventory and as before, can be purchased from the bookshelf. A child or teen with grade B and up has a new interaction on the homework after finishing homework called "Do Extra Credit Work", which grands more performance gain from just doing homework. Children also benefit from having higher Skill levels when it comes to homework. Each Skill that they get to level 10 will increase the rate homework is done by 70%. When all 4 available child skills (Mental, Social, Motor and Creativity) are maxed, the child will finish their homework x8 times faster. And if they have a +2 focused moodlet and a parent helping them, they'll finish it x10 times faster.

Once Sims age up to young adult. Having high grades will allow Sims to start their career level ahead. Level 2 for grade B and level 3 for grade A.

In The Sims 4: City Living, there's a new available lot trait called Good Schools, which will help teens and children with more school performance gain.

In The Sims 4: Parenthood, a child or teen can work on school projects with up to five Sims working on a single project. If finished successfully, the children and/or teens that helped make the project will gain a performance boost.

In The Sims 4: Seasons, children and teens will receive a chance card celebrating a school holiday if the current holiday has the Romantic Spirit or Give Flowers traditions. A successful chance card will award the "A+ Holiday" moodlet (Flirty +1 for teen and Energized +1 for child). Failure will result in the "Festive Flop" moodlet (Sad +1).

In The Sims 4: Snowy Escape, children and teens who live in Mt. Komorebi will wear Japanese-styled uniforms to school. Sims who live in other worlds go to school in their everyday outfits.

Grade School Chance Cards
1) Hunger Strikes
Career Level: Grade School F Student
(Sim Name) is really trying to pay attention in class, but his/her stomach is growling LOUDLY. These darn growth (Sim Name) is worried his/her classmates can hear. Should he/she try to sneak a snack from his/her lunch, or wait for the bell?
Sneak a Snack Wait for Bell

Playful +2


Perfomance Loss Small Angry +1


Perfomance Gain Small


Perfomance Loss Small Angry +1

2) Lunchtime Woes
Career Level: Grade School F Student
(Sim Name) plops down on the bench for lunch and knows right away that he/she sat in something. Eww! Now everyone’s going to think he/she wet his/her pants. Does he/she make a scene so people know the truth, or just hope that no one notices?
Make a Scene Hope No One Notices

Happy +1


Embarrassed +1


No Reward


Angry +1

3) Pop Quiz
Career Level: Grade School F Student
Pop quiz! (Sim Name) knows he/she should have studied his/her spelling list, but it was hard to actually read it under the supercool doodles he/she made. (Sim Name) can just do his/her best, like his/her parents always say, or see if the list is in his/her backpack…
Give It Best Shot Peek at List

No Reward


No Penalty


Playful +1 Perfomance Gain Small


Angry +1 Perfomance Loss Medium

4) Used Gum
Career Level: Grade School F Student
(Sim Name) is feeling B-O-R-E-D when he/she notices something squishy stuck to the bottom of his/her desk. Gum? Who put that there? Sneaking a peek, (Sim Name) sees that’s neon green—the exact color of his/her favorite ZumGum flavor.
Chew the Gum Leave It

Happy +1


Perfomance Loss Small Uncomfortable +1


Playful +1


Angry +1

5) Nerdy Loner
Career Level: Grade School F Student
(Sim Name) is playing alone at recess when a nerdy kid asks if he/she can join in. There’s no real reason he/she couldn’t…except that no one else ever lets him/her. Will (Sim Name) be the first?
Invite to Play Send Kid Away

Happy +1


Angry +1


No Reward


Sad +1

6) Unsigned Slip
Career Level: Grade School F Student
Field trip! (Sim Name) is super excited for a trip to the Botanical Garden—until his/her teacher asks for their permission slips. Whoops. (Sim Name)’s is right there in his/her backpack, but it isn’t exactly signed. Forge it, or tell the teacher and risk getting left behind?
Forge It Tell the Truth

Playful +1


Angry +1 Perfomance Loss Small


Happy +1


Bored +1

7) Dropped Cookie
Career Level: Grade School D Student
(Sim Name) is putting his/her lunch on the lunch shelf when he/she sees that someone’s cookie has fallen out onto the ground. (Sim Name) could return it to the open lunch bag that’s lying on its side, or just take care of the mess by eating the cookie himself/herself.
Put Cookie Back Eat the Cookie

No Reward


Angry +1


Perfomance Gain Small Energized +1


Perfomance Loss Small

8) Playground Split
Career Level: Grade School D Student
(Sim Name) is playing on the slide when he/she notices that an upper grader has split her jeans. The tear is not in a good place, and a bit of pink cotton is showing through. Should he/she let her know?
Tell the Girl Say Nothing

Happy +1


Angry +1


No Reward


No Penalty

9) Finished Early
Career Level: Grade School D Student
Wow! (Sim Name) is actually the very first student to finish his/her writing assignment. He/She starts to raise his/her hand to show the teacher, but reconsiders. Maybe he/she can score extra points if he/she draws a picture to go with it?
Turn It In Draw a Picture

Perfomance Gain Small


Bored +1


Perfomance Gain Small


Bored +1

10) Fluffy's Escape
Career Level: Grade School D Student
(Sim Name) volunteers to help the science teacher clean the gerbil’s cage. The teacher has stepped out to talk to a parent, but he/she already knows what to do—he/she opens the cage, dumps the old stuff, and puts fresh stuff in. Fluffy will be so happy with... Uhh … Fluffy?!
Find Fluffy Fast! Tell the Teacher

Happy +1


Embarrassed +1


Happy +1


Sad +1

11) Principal's Visit
Career Level: All level (Excluding Grade School D Student)
Today, the principal is visiting (Sim Name)’s class! Everyone is to be on their best behavior and not interrupt the lesson. Unfortunately, the kid sitting behind him/her has decided to pelt him/her with…something. Should he/she ignore it or ask the kid to stop?
Ignore It Ask Kid to Stop

No Reward


No Penalty


Playful +1


Angry +1

12) P.E. Class
Career Level: Grade School C Student
(Sim Name)’s P.E. class gets to run laps—lots of them—to build their stamina and lung capacity. He/She is mostly through the first lap when he/she notices a gap under the bleachers, just the right size for a little rest. Would Coach notice if he/she sat out a few laps?
Hide Out Keep Running

Energized +1


Perfomance Loss Small Embarrassed +1


Perfomance Gain Small


No Penalty

13) Love Letter
Career Level: Grade School C Student
(Sim Name) is grabbing his/her lunch from his/her backpack when he/she notices something red inside. It’s a note, shaped like a heart, with the words “U R CUTE!” written on it and nothing else. He/She thinks it might be the new girl/boy, who always seems to stare. Does he/she ask her/him, or wait and see?
Confront the New Kid Wait and See

Happy +1


Embarrassed +1


No Reward


No Penalty

14) Unfinished Assignment
Career Level: Grade School C Student
When (Sim Name) gets to class, he/she realizes his/her timeline is due, the one he/she was supposed to start weeks ago. He/She eyes the stack of papers piling up on his/her teacher’s desk. All he/she needs is a few minutes alone with one…Does he/she try to copy a classmate’s, or confess the truth?
Copy a Classmate's Confess the Truth

Playful +1 Perfomance Gain Small


Sad +1 Perfomance Gain Small


Focused +1


Perfomance Loss Small

15) Friend's Birthday?
Career Level: Grade School C Student
Everyone seems to be talking about a birthday party that (Sim Name) wasn’t invited to. He/She kind of thought the host was his/her friend, so it doesn’t make any sense. Should he/she ask his/her friend, or let it go?
Ask the Friend Let It Go

Happy +1


Sad +1


No Reward


No Penalty

16) Missed Bubble
Career Level: Grade School C Student
Another standardized test! (Sim Name) is almost done when he/she realizes he/she skipped a bubble near the top. All his/her answers are one off! He/She starts to tell the teacher but realizes he'll/she'll have to take it again. It’s really only for the state—it doesn’t affect his/her grade…
Confess the Mistake Turn it In

Perfomance Gain Small


Angry +1


No Reward


Bored +1

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In The Sims 2: Seasons, children and teens do not get summer holiday, but they will get a snow day when it snows heavily.
    • In The Sims 3: Seasons, children and teens do not have to go to school on Leisure Day, which can be considered to be their summer holiday.
    • In The Sims 4: Seasons, players can make holidays where children and teens don't have to go to school. By default, Sims stay home from school on Harvestfest, Winterfest and New Year's Eve.
  • The names called during the graduation ceremony at city hall often sound like common names with the first letters of the first and last names switched, i.e. Geronica Vonzalez, Rant Grodiek.
  • The Gooder Public School in Starlight Shores is probably named after the Gooder family, a wealthy family from the same town. It's a little odd, considering it's a public school, and the family backstory doesn't seem to be associated with school nor education.
  • In The Sims 2 there is a glitch where using the aging on/off cheat may prevent Sims from getting a higher grade than C+.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Child and teen Sims living in apartments will take the same buses, no matter what kind of schools they attend.
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