Music (career)

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Music (career)

The Hit Movie Composer in The Sims 3.

"Music" redirects here. For other articles on music, see Music (disambiguation).

A music career is available in The Sims: Livin' Large, The Sims 2: Seasons and The Sims 3.

The Sims[edit | edit source]

The musician career track is one of the five Career Tracks from The Sims expansion pack Livin' Large. It has a similar pay at rank 1 and the same pay at ranks 9 and 10 as entertainment from the base game, but follows a much more bent pay curve along the way, with lower pay at every rank except 9 and 10, the fifth-lowest pay in the game at ranks 5 and 6, and the fourth-lowest pay at rank 7, beating only slacker, circus, and education. It also requires a higher number of friends to reach rank 10 than Entertainment does.

Musician Career Levels
1) Subway Musician
Simoleons are sparse and the looks from passers-by are harsh, but the hours are great. Plus, isn't contributing music to SimCitizens' commutes a community service? Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 0
15:00 - 20:00
Friends requirement 0
2) Piano Tuner
Keeping everyone else in tune is a good ground-floor "in" for the music industry. Longer hours, but the work is still relatively easy, though it requires a good ear and plenty of listening. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 0
09:00 - 16:00
Friends requirement 0
3) Wedding Singer
So much for EVER getting a weekend off - you're the best wedding show in town now, and always busy. The pay is a bit better, and you have to start being more creative, too, but you'll get to hob-nob with the rich and famous while they sip their champagne. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 2
09:00 - 15:00
Friends requirement 0
4) Lounge Singer
So, the day job got boring? You'll sleep days now, since you'll be working until the last call is made and the last patron stumbles home from the bar. Cooking 0 Mechanical 0 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 5
21:00 - 04:00
Friends requirement 2
5) High School Band Teacher
Squeaky trumpets, whiny violins, off-tempo timpani, and a constantly ticking metronome are the burdens of your trade now, but the hours are the same as all the school-age kids. Cooking 0 Mechanical 2 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 6
07:00 - 14:00
Friends requirement 2
6) Roadie
Time spent tolerating the high-school crowd was worth it - you are now cool enough to take your act on the road - setting up someone else's gear. Long hours are exhausting, but you're having fun and making the right contacts. You will need plenty of body skills, but maybe something cushy will present itself soon. Cooking 0 Mechanical 5 Charisma 0
Body 0 Logic 0 Creativity 7
11:00 - 20:00
Friends requirement 5
7) Backup Musician
Spending time on the road pays off - occasionally, someone in the band you cover quits, and you get to fill in for the remainder of the tour! Dress casual, practice often, play hard, have fun, and start to make a name for yourself. Cooking 0 Mechanical 5 Charisma 0
Body 4 Logic 0 Creativity 8
12:00 - 21:00
Friends requirement 8
8) Studio Musician
Rest for the road-weary: you get to play back-up on album cuts in the studio now. Spending time around all these recording label producers and executives is bound to pay off, if you play your cards right. Make sure you schmooze all the right people in addition to delivering a perfect performance every day. Cooking 0 Mechanical 5 Charisma 2
Body 5 Logic 0 Creativity 10
10:00 - 17:00
Friends requirement 9
9) Rock Star
Fame, fortune, tours, parties, and a number-one album! Congrats, you're now living every teenager's dream. Sleep is a rarity, power lunches are common, shades are almost mandatory outside your own home, and people mob you for autographs almost everywhere you go. Enjoy it! Cooking 0 Mechanical 5 Charisma 7
Body 7 Logic 0 Creativity 10
17:00 - 02:00
Friends requirement 12
10) Celebrity Activist
With all the fame comes a sense of responsibility and social conscience. Use your fame and power to promote the causes you care most about, whether they be political, environmental, social, or intellectual. The hours are easier, the extra pay is almost inconsequential, you're so wealthy, and the Heads of State now send you engraved invitations to their fundraisers. Cooking 0 Mechanical 5 Charisma 10
Body 7 Logic 4 Creativity 10
10:00 - 15:00
Friends requirement 15

A Celebrity Activist will eventually change careers and become a Medium in the Paranormal career track.

Chance Cards[edit | edit source]

Musician Chance Cards
1) Subway Musician
No chance cards for this level
2) Piano Tuner
Apparently your days entertaining local commuters earned you at least one enemy - the piano-tuning tools you saved so long to buy have been stolen from your car. Replacing them will cost you a hefty but mandatory $400.

Negative: -§400

3) Wedding Singer
No chance cards for this level
4) Lounge Singer
Lucky break, this - a local record label has purchased the rights to two of your new songs! While it's not a boost to your career, the extra $2000 will help out around the house.

Positive: +§2000

5) High School Band Teacher
No chance cards for this level
6) Roadie
No chance cards for this level
7) Back-Up Musician
No chance cards for this level
8) Studio Artist
Showing up to work inebriated one too many times has its price. You lose one charisma point, and your record label fines you $6000 for equipment damage from that last recording session.

Negative: -§6000, Charisma skill -1

9) Rock Star
No chance cards for this level
10) Celebrity Activist
All your work promoting highly ethical behavior has given you an overwhelming interest in getting in touch with your spiritual inner self. You will now spend the majority of your time meditating and getting to know more about the spirit-filled world around you.

Positive: Change to the Paranormal career track as a Medium.

The Sims 2: Seasons[edit | edit source]

The Music career was added in Seasons. The Career reward is The Rock Hammer. It is given at the Roadie level (Level 6). If Apartment Life is installed, Bohemians and Gearheads are likely to work in this career.

Adult Promotion Levels[edit | edit source]

Music Career Levels
1) Record Store Clerk
It's your job to promote good music and harass customers for their poor musical tastes. Every musical genius must start somewhere. S M T W T F S Mechanical 0
10:00 - 17:00
Creativity 0
Charisma 0
§135/day Friends requirement 0
No bonus
2) Piano Tuner
A finely tuned piano is music to your ears. Keep honing your Mechanical skills—they'll pay off in the long run for your musical career. S M T W T F S Mechanical 0
10:00 - 17:00
Creativity 0
Charisma 0
§186/day Friends requirement 0
Bonus: §372
3) Coffee Shop Sound Engineer
Customers sipping hot java need great tunes to soothe their souls—it's your job to engineer the music so that it plays just perfectly. S M T W T F S Mechanical 1
13:00 - 20:00
Creativity 0
Charisma 0
§223/day Friends requirement 1
Bonus: §446
4) Summer Camp Music Teacher
A lover of campfire tunes and camaraderie, you are the leader of the campground's music class. Keep your Charisma and Creativity high to maintain a strong level of camp memories! S M T W T F S Mechanical 2
08:00 - 15:00
Creativity 1
Charisma 1
§335/day Friends requirement 2
Bonus: §670
5) Battle of the Bands Judge
Musicians come from near and far to show off their stuff, and it's you who decides who goes on to record greatness, and who goes back to the garage. S M T W T F S Mechanical 3
14:00 - 20:00
Creativity 2
Charisma 2
§452/day Friends requirement 4
Bonus: §904
6) Roadie
As good as the band is, they wouldn't be anywhere without a dedicated group of Roadies. Practice your Creativity a bit more and that could be you on stage. S M T W T F S Mechanical 5
08:00 - 15:00
Creativity 2
Charisma 3
§535/day Friends requirement 5
Bonus: §1,070
7) Studio Musician
Recording artists come and go, but you're here to redefine the face of music. It's no small task and you have your work cut out for you. S M T W T F S Mechanical 6
21:00 - 03:00
Creativity 4
Charisma 4
§1,030/day Friends requirement 7
Bonus: §2,060
8) Concert Pianist
Audiences flock to see your fingers fly over the ivory keys of the grand piano. Woo them and refine your craft to reach the next step. S M T W T F S Mechanical 7
11:00 - 18:00
Creativity 5
Charisma 5
§1,950/day Friends requirement 8
Bonus: §3,900
9) Symphony Conductor
With a furious flash of the conductor's baton your symphonies delight and astound. Your passion for music shows that perhaps you are destined for something more. S M T W T F S Mechanical 7
15:00 - 21:00
Creativity 7
Charisma 6
§2,100/day Friends requirement 9
Bonus: §4,200
10) Rock God
Nobody before has rocked as hard, played as many solos, or dived into crowds of adoring fans quite like you. You rock in everything you do. You are the music. S M T W T F S Mechanical 7
17:00 - 23:00
Creativity 9
Charisma 8
§2,830/day Friends requirement 11
Bonus: §5,660

Teen/Elder Promotion Levels[edit | edit source]

Music Career Levels
1) Record Store Clerk
It's your job to promote good music and harass customers for their poor musical tastes. Every musical genius must start somewhere. S M T W T F S Mechanical 0
15:00 - 18:00
Creativity 0
Charisma 0
§52/day Friends requirement 0
No bonus
2) Piano Tuner
A finely tuned piano is music to your ears. Keep honing your Mechanical skills—they'll pay off in the long run for your musical career. S M T W T F S Mechanical 0
15:00 - 18:00
Creativity 1
Charisma 0
§75/day Friends requirement 0
Bonus: §150
3) Coffee Shop Sound Engineer
Customers sipping hot java need great tunes to soothe their souls—it's your job to engineer the music so that it plays just perfectly. S M T W T F S Mechanical 1
16:00 - 19:00
Creativity 2
Charisma 0
§98/day Friends requirement 1
Bonus: §196

Adult Chance Cards[edit | edit source]

For more information on Chance Cards in The Sims 2, see Chance card.
Music Chance Cards
1) Record Store Clerk
<Sim> is daydreaming while lazing organizing the country music section of the store when a man walks in and ask to buy a copy of "Love, Forever, Now and Then", a critically panned album that sold well amongst the masses. <Sim> really doesn't want to sell the album to anyone, but then again, the store owner would be furious if he/she let his/her opinion ruin a sale. All eyes are on <Sim> - he/she could dig up a copy of "Love, Forever, Now and Then" or recommend something else? Sell the Album Success:
75% chance
Fired Get Fired
24% chance
Recommend Something Else Success:
Charisma skill +1
24% chance
Fired Get Fired
75% chance
2) Piano Tuner
<Sim> finishes tuning a piano to perfection when his/her cell phone rings - the Sim City concert hall is in need of an expert piano tuner to tweak their class grand piano for the concert of the world renowned tenor, Arito Mippaloti. As always, special considerations must be taken into account. Mippaloti demands the piano be improperly tuned to make his voice sound better in comparison. The task is simple enough for <Sim>, but could damage his/her reputation in the long run. Should <Sim> tune away or is it time to say arrivederci? Tune the Piano Success:
Promotion Promoted to Coffee Shop Sound Engineer
25% chance
Fired Get Fired
74% chance
Decline the Job Success:
Logic skill +1
74% chance
Demotion Demoted to Record Store Clerk
25% chance
3) Coffee Shop Sound Engineer
<Sim> lets some of his/her co-workers borrow the Coffee Shop's sound equipment for their rock concert at a local club. Unfortunately, they blew out one of the more expensive amplifiers and don't have the money to replace it. The amplifier is <Sim>'s responsibility and there are only a few options. <Sim> could simply replace the amp on his/her own, or put it in storage and hope nobody notices. Buy a New Amp Success:
Promotion Promoted to Summer Camp Music Teacher
85% chance
14% chance
Look the Other Way Success:
Creativity skill +1
14% chance
Fired Get Fired
85% chance
4) Summer Camp Music Teacher
One of the camp sessions is drawing to a close, which mean it's time for the traditional camper music showcase performed for the parents. Most of the program is filled up, but there's still one more hole in the schedule that needs to be plugged with something. <Sim> really likes the campfire classic "Don't Step on my Smore", but the camp director is dropping not so subtle hints that she would like to hear something a bit more contemporary like "Bunks are for Spunks". The program fliers need to head to the printers and <Sim> must make a decision! "Don't Step on My Smore" Success:
Charisma Skill +1
20% chance
Fired Get Fired
79% chance
"Bunks are for Skunks" Success:
Promotion Promoted to Battle of the Bands Judge
79% chance
Fired Get Fired
20% chance
5) Battle of the Bands Judge
<Sim> has just finished watching the final band's performance and the time to vote has arrived. Two bands stand out as the best choices for <Sim>, though assigning his/her vote to one of them isn't so simple. The Green Rhinos, a popular local band, have ridiculously good stage presence but virtually zero talent. The Macho Rockers, a little known band from the next town over, aren't quite as popular but they're extremely talented musicians. Who should receive <Sim>'s vote? The Green Rhinos Success:
25% chance
Charisma Skill -1
74% chance
The Macho Rockers Success:
Promotion Promoted to Roady
74% chance
Fired Get Fired
25% chance
6) Roady
While the band performs on stage, <Sim> and his/her coworkers take a break back stage after the exhausting work of stage set up. Suddenly a frantic voice chimes in on the walkie talkies - one of the speakers hanging above the stage is about to break loose. To make matters worse, the lead guitarist has just begun his solo and he's standing underneath the speaker. <Sim> can risk his/her life and try to re-fasten the chains holding onto the speaker, or he/she can interrupt the band and warn them off the stage. Time is running out! Climb into the Rafters Success:
Mechanical Skill +1
75% chance
Demotion Demoted to Battle of the Bands Judge
24% chance
Interrupt the Concert Success:
24% chance
75% chance
7) Studio Musician
<Sim> is asked by Fierce Cars, a multiple platinum selling band, to play piano on a few tracks on their upcoming album. Unfortunately, <Sim> already agreed to work with the less popular but equally talented band Gato's Fury on their upcoming album. <Sim> only has room on his/her schedule to play for one of the bands - either choice could make or break his/her career. Who should <Sim> play piano for? Fierce Cars Success:
Promotion Promoted to Concert Pianist
25% chance
Creativity Skill -2
74% chance
Gato's Fury Success:
74% chance
Logic Skill -2
25% chance
8) Concert Pianist
<Sim> is playing a concert with his/her long time piano rival, Francesca Luchesi. Francesca wants to perform several duets onstage with <Sim>, and <Sim> sees this as an opportunity to get even. <Sim> could make subtle changes to his/her performance to offset the pace and mess up Francesca, or he/she can play along as planned and let his/her rival leave the concert unscathed. How will the concert proceed? Alter the Music Success:
Creativity Skill +2
45% chance
Creativity Skill -2
54% chance
Play Nice Success:
54% chance
Fired Get Fired
45% chance
9) Symphony Conductor
<Sim> isn't sure how to proceed with his/her final concert piece. The piece, A Bombastic Overture in D Major, has an ending that must be carried out flawlessly, or not at all! <Sim> is confident there are only two ways to conduct the symphony leading to the final note. The obvious first choice is use a slight crescendo to gently lead the symphony into the fantastic final note. <Sim> could also conduct a strong fortissimo entrance - begin loud and finish that way. <Sim> must wow the audience - will it be with a crescendo or fortissimo? Crescendo Success:
Creativity Skill +2
55% chance
Demotion Demoted to Studio Musician
44% chance
Fortissimo Success:
Promotion Promoted to Rock God
44% chance
55% chance
10) Rock God
<Sim> is using his/her incredible musical power to rock harder than ever before when the crowd demands a stage dive from their favorite Rock God. <Sim> would love to perform the stage dives, but he/she has heard some pretty bad things about Rock Gods that leapt off the stage, never to be heard from again. Should <Sim> leap off the stage into the loving embrace of the crowd, or appease them from the stage with another killer solo? Stage Dive Success:
Big Bonus +§48,000
35% chance
Demotion Demoted to Studio Musician
64% chance
Killer Solo Success:
64% chance
Fired Get Fired
35% chance

The Sims 3[edit | edit source]

Music is a career track in The Sims 3. It has two branches: Rock and Classical.

Workplace: Theatre

How to apply: Directly at the workplace, newspaper, computer, or upload resume.[TS3:UL]

Sims in the Rock Star Branch can perform at the Theatre, but only between 3 PM and 11 PM.
Note: During a Sim's concert performance, anyone in the Sim's household who watches gets free passes.

Job levels[edit | edit source]

Music Career Levels
1) Fan
Before you can create, you must appreciate. The difference between devotee and Fan are miniscule, but it makes all the difference in the world when you’re later asked to join the band on tour. Work hard and act like you’re having a good time, and you just might get on the tour bus. §21/hour No Bonus
S M T W T F S Pension: §30
15:00 - 21:00
13:00 - 18:00
Performance Factors
Guitar 0-3
2) Roadie
The band is going to need their sandwiches and soda as soon as possible. Don’t forget to pick up their laundry, their lucky bandanas, or their significant others on your way to the show. The band is relying on you for these very “important” tasks—it’s best not to let them down. §25/hour Bonus: §252
S M T W T F S Pension: §40
15:00 - 21:00
13:00 - 18:00
Performance Factors
Guitar 1-4
3) Stagehand
Now that you’re on tour as a Stagehand, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with lighting equipment, sound boards, spare guitars, and most importantly, learn to do the microphone check. You’re one step closer to the band, yet still impossibly far away from the stage. §30/hour Bonus: §300
S M T W T F S Pension: §50
16:00 - 22:00
14:00 - 19:00
Performance Factors
Mood Guitar 2-6
Band Members
4) Band Manager
The band apparently trusts you enough to be the guiding hand behind the scenes. You’ll be instrumental in telling them what gigs to take, where to make their appearances, and what colors the t-shirts should come in. Make sure they like you, because even though you’re in charge, they still pay your salary. §48/hour Bonus: §360
S M T W T F S Pension: §70
16:00 - 21:30
14:00 - 18:30
Performance Factors
Mood Guitar 3-7
Band Members
5) Music Talent Scout
So, with the band having their typical drama, they need you to scout the local clubs for new talent. Who knows when they’ll need a new drummer, or bassist, or singer, or pianist, or spouse… or all of the above. Grab the guitar and start learning a few chords… you never know when you’ll need to jump on stage as a replacement. §57/hour Bonus: §576
S M T W T F S Pension: §60
17:00 - 22:30
15:00 - 19:30
Performance Factors
Mood Guitar 4-8
Band Members

After the 5th level promotion, the player is asked which path they want the Sim to take: Rock or Symphonic.

Rock Star Branch
6) Lyricist
The band hopes your lyrics will move them from one-hit wonder to rock icons. The first album wasn’t bad, but the label says it’s now or never for the band to hit it big. Keep practicing your music skills and perform plenty of concerts so the fans can hear your best stuff. §97/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §100
18:00 - 23:00
14:00 - 18:30
Performance Factors
Mood Guitar 5-9
Band Members Performances[1]
Perk: Perform Concerts, Carpool in the Tour Bus
7) Backup Vocalist
Hopefully you’re a fan of your own lyrics, because you’re now going to start singing as a Backup Vocalist. The label thinks the band needs some sweet singing to round out their rough, darker side, so once again the welfare of the group falls on your hopefully able shoulders… or should we say vocal chords? §126/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §120
19:00 - 00:00
14:00 - 18:30
Performance Factors
Mood Guitar 6-9
Band Members Performances[1]
Perk: Develop Rocker Hidden trait
8) Lead Guitarist
You’re a genius with a guitar, at least in the eyes of the band and your fans. Your solos speak to people in ways no lyrics ever could. Aspiring youth all attempt to learn your solos, and adults gleefully air guitar to your songs. The Rock n Roll lifestyle has begun! §182/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §160
20:00 - 00:30
16:00 - 20:00
Performance Factors
Mood Guitar 7-10
Band Members Performances[1]
9) Pop Icon
No matter what your detractors might say, you are clearly and without any doubt, a Pop Icon. Everyone is humming your tunes, and listeners constantly request them from radio stations. Your music will define this generation and all that follow, yet it’s not even time for the encore. §286/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §200
21:00 - 01:00
17:00 - 20:30
Performance Factors
Mood Guitar 8-10
Band Members Performances[1]
10) Rock Star
The most legendary concerts have your name on the ticket. The chart topping songs come from you. You’re a genius, a rebel, a Rock Star that knows nothing other than the rock, the roll, and all that comes with it. The record label hopes you’re loving the life, because they’re loving you. §NA/hour[2] Bonus: §
S M T W T F S[2] Pension: §350
15:00 - 23:00[2]
Performance Factors
Mood Guitar 9-10
Perk: Hold Autograph Sessions,[3] Celebrity Aura when around other Sims, [4]Carpool in Limo
Symphonic Branch
6) Quartet Member
As a member of the renowned quartet, you have been given the chance to really learn and grow as a musician. Handle the strings with deft fingers stay within the quartet members’ good graces, and hit all the right notes to progress in this grand concert career. §85/hour Bonus: §780
S M T W T F S Pension: §90
15:00 - 20:30
13:00 - 17:30
Performance Factors
Mood Guitar 5-9
Orchestra Members
7) Orchestra Member
The Conductor noticed your quartet playing at a wedding and thinks you’re better suited to the orchestra. The position implies a greater access to more wondrous scores and concerts, but also more complex and taxing performances. It appears your career has begun an exciting crescendo. §111/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §120
15:00 - 20:30
13:00 - 17:30
Performance Factors
Mood Guitar 6-9
Orchestra Members
8) Orchestra Lead
You’ve fought hard, and finally the glory, the solos, and the section are yours as First Chair. You are the conductor’s right hand, the one she most trusts to get the symphony perfect. It’s time to combine what you know of musicianship and logic to prove your grasp of musical theory is unsurpassed. §144/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §160
15:00 - 20:30
13:00 - 17:30
Performance Factors
Mood Guitar 7-10
Orchestra Members Logic 0-4
Perk: Free Admission to All Theater Activities
9) Conductor
There is an entire symphonic orchestra at the tip of your baton, just waiting for your cue to make musical masterpieces. Crowds silently wait with bated breath, just hoping to hear a once-in-a-lifetime performance. Don’t let them down, for that baton can be taken away just as easily as it was given. §206/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §200
15:00 - 20:00
13:00 - 17:30
Performance Factors
Mood Guitar 8-10
Orchestra Members Logic 3-6
10) Hit Movie Composer
Having conquered the orchestral stage, the label thinks your skills are better put to use composing delightful pieces for movies on the silver screen. As a Hit Movie Composer, you work takes top billing and brings in piles of Simoleons for the label. Quite the finish, one must say! §361/hour Bonus: §
S M T W T F S Pension: §350
13:00 - 18:00
12:00 - 17:00
Performance Factors
Mood Guitar 9-10
Orchestra Members Logic 5-10
Perk: Receive 85g Audio Explosion from Landgraab Industries, Hold Autograph Sessions,[3] Celebrity Aura when around other Sims,[4] Carpool in Limo
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Only Rock Stars get paid for performances.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 With the 10th level Rock career, instead of having regular hours, the player chooses when to perform concerts as long as it is between 3 PM and 11 PM. The amount a Sim receives from a concert depends on the Sim's mood, Guitar Skill, and how many times they've performed before.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Autograph sessions can be held at community lots, and Sims get paid a cut of what the community lot makes during the autograph session. Autograph sessions can be held at any time, but during the afternoon more fans will show up. If a fan has to wait too long to get an autograph, it will have a negative influence on the Sim's relationship with the fan.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Sim will gain a permanent invisible "Celebrity Aura" around them, making Sims either wave cheerfully or boo in disapproval. This invisible aura has no effect on relationships like the Emperor of Evil's red aura and isn't affected by traits. The aura functions exactly like the aura of leadership the Sims gain at the top of the Political career as the Leader Of The Free World. This invisible aura remains even after the Sim quits or retires.

Opportunities[edit | edit source]

Floating in the Sea
Read Getting Noticed in a Sea of Fans, and return to work.
The Rockiest Road That Is Rock
Read Life on the Hard Rocky Road, and return to work.
Please, No Ego
Read Don't Upstage the Band, and return to work.
Cat Herding to Music
Read Herding Cats: Music Edition, and return to work.
It's Shines, It's Sparkles
Read Diamonds in the Rough, and return to Work
Keeping the Rhythm
Read It's More than Rhyme Books, and return to work.
It's Synergy
Read True Symphonic Synergy, and return to work.
First Rule of Rock
Read Developing Good Rock Habits, and return to work.
Becoming a Legend
Read Legends of Rock, and return to work.
The Greatest Symphony Ever
Read Improving Conductivity Between Brass and Woodwinds, and return to work.
Learn That Tune!
Learn the composition in your inventory, and return to work.
Fling the Application
Submit an application at city hall!
On Tour!
Perform 3 concerts at the Theatre
The Set Up
Help Set Up at the Theatre before time runs out!
A Skilled Guitarist
Earn a guitar skill level!
Battle of the Bands!
Play Battle of the Bands at the Stadium before time runs out to earn §5,000!
The Cinematic Score
Play a Symphony at the Theatre before time runs out!
Audio Study
Listen to the stereo until your Sim is enjoying the Music!
Music Class!
Teach Class at the School before time runs out
Stick Around for the Music
Stay Late at Work

References[edit | edit source]

The Sims (PC) Item/Career Guide by BestGuy9
The Sims 3 Full-Time Jobs Guide by Mike Hazleton
